PART 1/4

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   "Hi, may I help you find something?" I ask as I approach a strikingly beautiful woman looking around the bookstore.

"Yes," she smiles at me. "I'm looking for books on orgasms." She says it so matter-of-factly that it catches me off guard. Or maybe it's her exquisite eyes, deep brown with an almost oriental look, coupled with her mahogany complexion that makes me catch my breath.

"Right this way," I say, leading her across the store. "Is there a specific book you're looking for?" I ask as we walk toward the sexuality section.

"No, not a specific book. I just want to look through your selection," she responds. I'm taking in more of her beauty as we talk. She'd be tall even without her two-inch heels and her pale blue blouse beneath a light grey business suit perfectly complements her cocoa brown skin.

"There are a lot of books on orgasms. Is there a specific type you wanted?" I ask as we arrive at the sexuality section.

"Funny, I thought they had dispelled that old myth about different types and everyone agrees there's just the one kind now," she says.

"Type of book, I meant!" I feel my face flush and I know I'm probably blushing.

"I knew what you meant," she says, patting me on the arm, playfully. "I was just kidding!" Her smile shows beautiful white teeth between her thick, ruby lips.

"That was good!" I return her wide smile and recover my composure. "There really are a lot of different types of orgasm books. Here's one called The Multi-Orgasmic Woman," I tell her, pulling a book from the shelf.

"That's okay," she says with a slight chuckle. "I'm still trying to be the single orgasmic woman."

"Okaaaay," I say slowly, wondering if she expects me to comment on that. "There are different types of books depending on whether it's for you or your partner," I explain, noticing her wedding band for the first time. "For your partner, I have a popular one called She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman."

"She comes first, huh? If only," she says sarcastically. "No, I'm looking more for the, um.... do-it-yourself section." She laughs nervously.

I pause a minute before continuing. "Well, we have Tickle Your Fancy - A Woman's Guide to Sexual Self-Pleasure. Taking it off the shelf, I show her the cover. It has a picture of a woman with her eyes closed, head thrown back, apparently in the throes of self-pleasure.

"What a great title," she says, looking at the book." It's been a long time since my fancy's been tickled properly." She's smiling as she flips the pages.

Not wanting to walk away from this beautiful, sexually candid woman, I reach for a familiar yellow book and tell her, "of course, if you're really desperate, there's always Sex For Dummies."

"Oh great! We just met and already you're calling me names!" she says flirtatiously. She looks me in the eyes and dips her hip on one side, saying, "you really think you're going to stand here and help me pick out an orgasm book, don't you?"

"Um, no. I'm sorry. I was just trying to be helpful." I'm holding my hands up, palms out and backing away from her.

"You were very helpful, um," she bends slightly to read my nametag, "Mike, but I think I'll just browse now."

"Sure. If you don't find what you need here," I pause for effect of the double entendre, "just let me know. I'm here for another hour." She's smiling and flipping through the book as I walk away.

Wow! In the two years I've worked here I've never known any customer to be so candid about their sexual needs, let alone books on masturbation! The customers in this section are usually giggly teenagers or panting couples. Neither group asks for help.

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