SCP-001 (Gate Guardian) X reader

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     You sat still against an old oak tree in an old forest. The gentle wind blew through the trees and caressed your hair. You were staring at a very special view. It wasn't much through the trees and the bars of the gate, but that didn't make it any less perfect. The sight before you was one you loved. One you wished you could see forever. It was Him.

     Him and his long and luxurious wings. Him and his perfect posture with his sword held in front of him. Him and his gorgeous glow. All you could think was "By God, he's a work of art." Your eyes stayed on him, observing all his perfect features. You wished you could just meet him. Properly. With an introduction and some small talk. Something so simple is something you longed for.

     Suddenly, your daydreaming was interrupted by a loud thud! next to you. The sudden sound was startling, making you yelp. The sound of laughing came after. "Oh goodness! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that!" Your dearest friend, Alvina, said whilst laughing. You slapped her arm lightly, laughing with her.

     "You came out of nowhere! What did you think I would do?" You giggled. "Well certainly not that!" She said with a teasing tone. You sighed with content and went back to looking at Him. Alvina, being her nosy self, looked over your shoulder. She gasped when she realized what what occurring.

     "Goodness! You shouldn't stare at the Guardian like that! Staring is rude for anyone, but it's especially rude for him!" She said in a proper, teacher-like tone. You scoffed, almost offended by her words. "Well if you would actually notice his amazing wings, his perfect looks, and his... Amazing personality." "You've never even talked to him, you don't know his personality." She mumbled. You glared at her.

     "Well you would stare, too." You finished with a loud huff. Alvina stayed silent for a moment before speaking. "Do... Are you implying you've taken a liking to our Guardian???"

     You felt your face heat up more than it should have. "Well... Maybe, I suppo--" A sudden outburst of laughter interrupted you. Alvina was laughing. Laughing at you. Taken aback by this, you felt a sense of dread tugging at your heart. She suddenly grabbed your wrist, and led you to the Apple and Emmora tree. You felt like you knew where this was going, and the mere thought of it was unbelievably soul crushing.

     Once she came to a crowd of people, she began to speak. "Hello everyone! I would like your attention please!" She called out. You felt your face loose color and your palms heat up. Everyone turned to look at you and Alvina. Your stomach twisted seeing everyone's eyes on you. Alvina waved at everyone before continuing.

     "Now that you all are looking, I'd like to introduce you to my dearest friend! Now you might be wondering what's so special about her?" She giggled before wrapping her arm around your shoulder. "This silly goose had a lil crush on The Guardian!" She laughed again.

And to your great misfortune, everyone else did too.

     Young ones laughed, couples laughed, elders laughed. You couldn't bare it. Alvina's touch was cold. Everything was cold. You felt the tears flow and you ripped yourself free from Alvina's grasp and ran. You couldn't go home, that was too predictable and she'd find you again. She probably wouldn't expect you with Him, though. So that's where you ran.

     All the way across the Grove. You followed the so-called 'path' you made to the gate. The luscious, green trees seemed to fly past your eyes faster than a humming bird. And then there he was. Sitting in his usual position. You fell to your knees and sobbed. Directly behind him. You really couldn't help it. Their laughs seemed to echo in your mind. "My love isn't really that silly... Is it?" You said to yourself through sobs.

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