The Promise (Part 1)

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"Kid, I'm going to make you a bet."

"What?" Peter looked up at Tony from where he was sitting on the couch watching Sherlock on his iPad.

"You heard me. I'm going to make you a bet."

"Alright then, what's the bet?" Peter set the iPad aside and looked at his mentor. He was looking forwards to this. One of the perks of being a Gen Z kid was that he knew how to find loopholes in everything. He couldn't lose.

"I bet that..." Tony rolled the words slowly. He was enjoying this, Peter could tell. "You cannot go an entire week without needing a trip to the Medbay, for anything."

Peter frowned. That was not what he had been expecting. It didn't matter though, he would prove to Mr. Stark that he could do it. Yes, he was extremely accident prone and had a crappy immune system, but he did have good weeks sometimes. He would just have to be extra careful when he was on patrol. "Fine. But I have a bet for you too."

Tony raised his eyebrow. "That wasn't the deal."

"It's my deal. Take it or leave it." Peter smirked, knowing Mr. Stark couldn't say no to him.

"Alright then, mister. What's your deal?"

"You have to go a week without drinking alcohol."

Tony put a hand on his chest in mock hurt. "Dang, kid, you're setting the bar pretty high." He was smiling though. "However, I think your bar might be even higher, considering your track record. So we're even. You have yourself a deal. Let's shake on it."

Peter held up his hand, but didn't shake yet. "Hold up, what are the results if I do make the bet?"

"I'll help you build that robot you've been wanting."

"Wait, the homework robot?! Sweet!"

Tony held up a finger. "But, if you lose..."

Peter copied his eyebrow raise. "Then what, old man?"

Tony paused. "Actually, I'm going to keep the consequences to myself."

"That's not fair!"

"It's perfectly fair. I won't even make you tell me what I get if I win or lose the bet."

Peter thought it over. "Fine, then, I suppose that's fair. But don't worry, just because you're not telling me, I'm thinking of a really mean consequence for when you lose my bet."

"Well then, I can't wait to see the look on my face when you find out my consequences, because there ain't no way in this universe you're getting through an entire week without getting sick or injured. I don't think that's possible for you."

"Well, I know it's not possible for you to not drink for a week, so there."

"We'll see, I guess." With that, Tony walked away, clearly signifying he had had the last word. Peter rolled his eyes and stretched.

"Okay, goodnight Mr. Stark. I'm going to bed now, get a head start on sleeping for the week. See, with this, I'll never get sick." He snarked.

"See how that works out for you," Mr. Stark tossed over his shoulder.

Peter laughed. This was going to be fun. The friendly banter was already reaching like a level 7, according to the scale he and Ned had made up. Speaking of which, he texted Ned to FaceTime him. Peter told Ned all about the bet.

Ned grinned. "I bet Mr. Stark's gonna win. Has there been a week this month you haven't missed school or had to be picked up early? I don't think so."

"Geez, Ned, you're supposed to take my side on this."

"I'm 100% on your side, dude. I'm gonna do everything I can this week to keep you perfectly safe. With Momma Ned around, even you can't get hurt." Peter cracked up at that.

"Okay, dude, this is gonna be an interesting week. I really do have to go to bed now, though, so goodnight." He signed off and laid down, allowing sleep to claim him. He would win the bet.

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