Chapter 1

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Rachel's P.O.V~

I paid the bus driver as I stepped out and onto the pavement.
Here I was again, the normal routine, back at the hospital.
I made my way up to her floor, so used to this practice, that one of the nurses waved to me on the way in.
Once I made my way to her room, I took a seat next to her as she started to stir in her bed.


"Yes, it's me Mom."
A smile slowly crept on her face as she looked at me.

"How was today?"I asked.

She replied, "As good as it could possibly be honey.
Listen Rachel, I need to talk to you."

"Talk to me about what?"

"I'm going to be here for a couple more months. We saw this coming Rachel..
Me being here, you looking for your first job, I think it's best that you should move out."

"What- Why?"

She replied,"I can't pay the bills. They're threatening to cut the lights and there is no way your first paycheck can pay for even half of the bills Rachel."

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"I already thought about that, I have a close friend, she lives in Michigan, her name is Stephanie. I spoke to her already and she has no problem with taking you in."

I looked down at the floor as I picked at a thread hanging from my dress.

My mother continued,"Don't think of this as me trying to get rid of you Rachel. I just want you to be comfortable. When I'm discharged and back at work, we could see about your return. We're halfway through my Chemotherapy I'll be fine."

I started to protest,"But Mom-"

"Shhhh-" She said as she placed her hand on my cheek.

"I'll call you every day."

-one week later-

I stood at the airport, my suitcase and bags in hand. I placed my phone in my pocket as I had just called and told my mom that I had arrived in Michigan, the foreign air kissing my face as I looked around for any signs of this supposed friend of my mother.
Just then this woman walked up to me, dressed in jeans and a purple shirt.

She started in a warm voice, "Rachel? Is that you?"

"Yes, it is. Ms.Williams?"

She replied,"Yes, that's me. Stephanie Williams, you look just like your mother." "Thank You Ms.Williams," I replied as I brushed a strand of hair from out of my face. She returned a warm smile as she took hold of one of my bags, "Now, let's get you home."

-a couple days later-

That morning when I woke up the entire house was in a buzz. The moment I stepped out of the guest bedroom, the corridor was filled with noise. The morning's light blinded my eyes as I fumbled around in the environment.

"Ms.Williams? Miss- oof-"

I accidentally bumped into Anthony, one of Ms.Williams' sons, as he came charging out of his room. Ms.Williams had two sons and a daughter, two of which I hadn't met as yet.

I questioned as I tried to steady myself,"Anthony, where is- what is happening?"

He replied in an excited tone,"Today we're leaving for our vacation trip. We're going Disney Land, then Sea World, we might even go to the Caribbean for a couple days."

Since when ??

"For how long? How come I'm now learning about this?"

"Maybe for a couple of weeks? I'm not sure. Ask my Mom."
Once he answered, he bolted down the stairs and placed his bag among the others.
I made my way down the stairs to see Ms.Williams dressed, and ready to go as she made PB&J sandwiches for the road.

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