Chapter 37

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Once inside Mayfair Mall, I head to the food court on the third floor looking for Syd. I scan over the hundreds of people stuffing their faces with fast food until I catch a glimpse of a cascade of neat, auburn waves.

Syd sits alone at a small table, her head resting on her hand as she scrolls through her phone with a nervous expression on her face. She taps her foot anxiously against the leg of the table as she looks up and glances over the crowd, probably looking for me. As if sensing my eyes on her, her head snaps in my direction and I offer her a small smile and a wave of my fingers, as she immediately jumps off her seat and bolts in my direction. She crashes against me, almost making us topple down to the floor as she wraps her arms around me tightly as if fearing I'll escape her embrace.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I was such a bitch and I hate myself for it. I just went off what Tyler told me when I should've taken the time to listen to your side of the story.  I just hate seeing my friends hurt, and I know that sounds hypocritical because I ended up hurting you but I didn't mean to. I love you and I never want to fight with you again, please forgive me." She word-vomits, rushing through her apology and I almost laugh at her worry. I hug her back.

"It's okay. I understand, and I'm not mad at you."

She lets go of me abruptly to hold me at arm's length and look me in the face with a confused expression. "You're not?" she asks incredulously.

I let out a small laugh. "Of course not." I assure you, "I get it, and I can't blame you. I asked you to put yourself in my shoes, and when I put myself in yours, I realized that I probably would've reacted the same way you did. I know you just want the best for me and for Tyler, and that you were just looking out for me. So don't worry, all is forgiven."

"Oh, thank god," she deflates with a sigh of relief, placing her right hand over her chest. "You were right, I was upset and I was completely unfair to you and to Noah. If he makes you happy and treats you the way you deserve, then that's enough for me. I'm so sorry."

"Syd, stop apologizing." I grab her by the shoulders so she'll stop freaking out.

"Yeah, okay," she nods nervously, "I should shut up now. I'll stop talking. Sorry. Dammit!" she curses herself and I laugh, hugging her close to me. "Can we just forget all about this and go buy some outfits that'll make us look like the bad bitches that we are?" she asks, her voice muffled as she's pressed into the crook of my neck.

I chuckle, "I would love nothing more."


"So you two are official now?" Syd asks as I pick up a red top for the stoplight party after I finish recounting the events of the last few days.

"Pretty much, yeah," I nod.

"Well congratulations!" she smiles genuinely, "You somehow managed to lock down Westpoint High's most eligible bachelor, and that deserves a round of applause." she claps and I smile, not even caring about the attention she's drawing to us.

"I guess I'm pretty lucky. He's so sweet, you should see the way he acted around my parents. My dad even called him son, twice," I point out.

"Damn, I thought Marcus would be a little harder to win over. Noah must be one hell of a sweet talker."

"Tell me about it," I shake my head as I skim through a messy pile of clothes on sale.

"Well, if your parent's council approves, then Judge Syd approves too. Congrats Noah, you've entered probation." Syd announces, and I give her a warning look. "Kidding!" she sings in a high-pitched voice and I roll my eyes.

"I am, by the way," I add after a pause.

"What?" she asks, confused by my out-of-context comment.

"You asked me if I was in love with him," I explain. "And I am."

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