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The check up continued, the entire room was fairly tensed and I watched Luke's every move.

"Okay weight and height; then I'll check your shot record and if that's good, we'll be all done" he spoke swiftly, making me stand with him.

We went to the scale, I stepped on, he got my height quickly before messing with the dials, humming as it came to a steady weight.

"Fourteen pounds underweight for your age and height range" he spoke, the not happy tone taking over his voice once more.

I refrained from rolling my eyes as Luke walked to his computer, Ashton's gaze locking on me as I turned.

"You stopped eating so that Nick would have food, didn't you?" Ashton asked slowly.

"We had plenty of food-" "just not enough for both of you to get a whole meal" he interrupted.

I went silent, leaning against the bed.

I rubbed my face, wishing I was home.

"She's due on four shots and we should probably get some blood while we're doing them" Luke mumbled towards Ashton.

"I'll held with the shots to get them done quicker-" "okay, I really don't like needles" I spoke out, fully serious to them.

They both focused to me.

I saw Ashton's knee shaking lightly

"There's no way around the needle-" "you've had a long day" Luke interrupted Ash, making him look to Luke.

"How about we come back and do these shots tomorrow, let you rest up and get more comfortable with us for tonight" Luke finished.

"I would prefer that" I mumbled out, seeing him nod, typing something into his computer.

"Thank you" I spoke once he finished, seeing him turn to me with a small smile.

We soon left, the car once again silent.

I knew they were mad, or frustrated, but honestly- I didn't give a fuck.

We got to their house and I followed them inside, seeing Nick look up with a wide smile.

"Aubrey!" He yelling, hitting my legs with a firm hug, making me pick him up almost immediately.

His head laid on my shoulder as he held me equally as tight as I held him.

I set him down, seeing the one I now identified as Calum looking to me.

"Calum Hood, I'm a pediatrician along with a psychologist" he introduced, extending his hand to me.

"Aubrey" I spoke back with the smallest smile.

"And I'm Michael- I'm just an orthopedic doctor, no big deal" the other spoke from the couch, sending me a wave, which I laughed lightly to.

"So tomorrow, I'm taking off and I'll take you by your house, let you grab all of the things you want, for tonight you can burrow our stuff, or we can take you to Target or something-" "whatever is easier for you guys" I spoke to Luke.

"Well you can burrow my clothes, because it's getting pretty late to go out anyway"

Soon we were all seated in the living room, Ashton and Luke playing with Nick, actually looking happy- which I hadn't seen very much today.

It had been a hard day

It had been a long day

I wanted it to end so badly

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