Arc 4 Chapter 7

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The Sales Ladies could not believe they are assisting two famous people! One was the Little Tsundere Princess of the Entertainment Circle and the other is the Music King! Ah!!!!

Wait.. Could these two be on a dat-

Cordilia shot down their desire to gossip.

"Get your minds out of the gutter, we don't clicked. It's a simple help from a fellow star. We understand the pains of being in public, as much as I wanted to, I could not leave him in the Tiger's Den" Cordilia said coldly

'Xiao Gongzhu*, let us, fans, dream okay? There is no reason to be like that'

'So overbearing... Alas, if only she was a male'

'Xiao Gongzhu is very cute aaaaahhhh!!!!'

*Google said that it translated into Little Palace Princess. Correct me if I am wrong guys

" are not allowed to disclose our information or what happened in here... Otherwise...." Cordilia smiled sweetly

'Ay shit, I don't think a sweet and innocent smile suited Xiao Gongzhu. Really, it doesn't suit you at all!' the collective thoughts of everyone in the room

Once exiting the room, Cordilia paid for it as Jack Gu had dropped his purse earlier from the chase, which was now in A'Yuan' s system space before Lu Chuchu could pick it up and used it as an excuse to visit Jack.

Cordilia smacked Jack's hand that was about to grab the bags.

"Pay attention to your appearance. You're a girl now, mind the hands and walk normally, how unsightly of you" Cordilia said in contempt, angering Jack once again.

Jack was tall and since he was wearing girls clothing, one can see that he is abnormally tall girl so Cordilia had him wear boots that seemed to have high heels but it's hallow inside, giving an illusion that the heels has elevated his height. Cordilia wore the same but opposite, although it looks flat but it has a mechanism inside, matching Jack's height.

Even if under disguise, their good looks could not be hidden, so they gathered alot of attention because of it.

While walking around, Cordilia stopped, making Jack also stop.

Cordilia's eyes zeroed on someone. It was Lu Chuchu with her man.

"....." 'System... Why does it seems like thst man's soul is unstable.... Is it really possible for two souls to tear each other apart to gain dominance over one body? What of the third soul? Its getting devoured' Cordilia said

[What do you want to do, Cordilia?] A'Yuan inquired

'Get that man's original Soul and as for Lu Chuchu's man and Elreste guy... What does that have to do with me, he wants to follow me, let me see his ability first, otherwise he can just go and get lost' Cordilia scoffed and left, making Jack confused but followed instead.

Cordilia was unaware that purple eyes had landed on her. Its color flickering, signifying the 'dual soul' inside are in great turmoil.

Lu Chuchu decided to eat with Yin Shuan. She was very satisfied with the current identity of her man, being the CEO of the Light Entertainment, Lu Chuchu knew that her status would surely not he as bad or awkward as before. Not even thst damned little Princess would bully her.

Yin Shuan had been on a fight with this other soul. Truly annoying and exhausting.

'Fuck off man! I got this body first!' Yin Shuan roared in rage

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