The Vigil

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I kept vigil by Ben's bedside all night. Molly was chased away but the medical staff and I felt awful for her. She wasn't family, true, but it was so unfair. I promised to update her if there was any change in his condition but there wasn't. At 4 a.m. it all got too much and I rang home. I guessed my mum would probably know.

"Hello." My mum's tired voice answered.


"Pippa? Are you alright? Why are you phoning? Has something happened?" She sounded panicked, clearly she didn't know.

"Mum, its Ben. He's um...he's..."

"What? Philippa talk to me...what has happened to Ben? He's not, he's not dead it he? Oh my God!"

"He's not dead." I whispered and she sighed a breath of relief.

"Can I talk to him?"


"Why not?"

"He's not conscious."


"He got shot like four times."

"Oh my God! Are you with him?"

"Of course I'm fucking with him! No I just left him dying in a bed in Camp Bastion hospital to play Volleyball with the yanks! What the fuck was that question, Mum?"


"Well...I don't know! He's seriously ill mum! That medic he's in love with reckons he might die and well she's a fucking medic!"

"Do you have to put fucking on the front of everything?"

"Yes. I do. Do you even care about Ben or are you more bothered about my language?"

"Sorry. Of course I care! Are you allowed to tell me you're at Camp Bastion?"

"Not fucking relevant! And technically no but you're hardly gonna feed this to the bloody Taliban after a Talib almost killed your son!"

"Will you calm down! I was trying to take your mind off it! You probably have a gun in your hand so getting upset is the last thing you want to do!"

"I wish I hadn't even fucking called! I'm trained to handle these guns, Mother!"

"No I'm glad you did but he'll be fine! Mr Nine Lives and all."

"There is no such thing! I'm gonna go now!"

"Bye darling. Call us if there is anything of significance."

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