38. I'm vibrating

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Y/N's P.O.V. 

"You're crazy, woman." Frank laughed and I raised an eyebrow.
It had been a week since we made up from our argument and Frank had just put the twins down for a nap. I was cleaning up from the cooking experiment that had turned into a full on food fight between Frank and I.
The girls' constant giggles had practically fuelled us to continue.

"You've seen nothing yet." I winked.
"You've got a little..." I pointed to his hair that was dusted with flour.

"Really?" He asked sarcastically.
"Well... so do you." I patted my head in confusion, thinking nothing had gotten into my hair thanks to the beanie I had just taken off. I should have seen it coming.
Frank emptied the bag of icing sugar onto my head and giggled like a teenage girl as I glared at him. It went everywhere.
I could feel the white power falling down my neck, down my shirt and all over my jeans.

"Frank Iero you rat-" he kissed me, pushing me back against the counter.

"Shh, the girls are sleeping." He muttered, smirking against my lips. I rolled my eyes and he licked some of the icing sugar off of my cheek.
"Hmm, you're pretty sweet. No wonder Gerard calls you sugar."

"You're disgusting." I laughed, wiping my cheek. His lips attached to my neck and he hummed, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I held back a moan as he hungrily bit, sucked and licked my neck. Two could play at that game.
I ran my hand up the back of his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling slightly.
Frank groaned against my neck, breathing heavily, but not moving away.

"Such a tease, sweetheart." He muttered, pressing a gentle kiss to my neck, before looking me in the eye. I giggled at the icing sugar on his lips and he raised an eyebrow.
I used my hand in his hair to pull him into a kiss, tasting the sweetness of his lips. I could feel his little 'friend' against my leg and-

"God, aren't there children present?" Frank broke the kiss, before turning to see Gerard smirking in the doorway.
"Food fight? Wow, real mature."

"The girls are napping." Frank muttered, probably glaring at Gerard.

"I'm going for a shower." I announced, walking past Frank. Before I could leave the kitchen, I grabbed two eggs.
"Have fun cleaning up, Frankie." I winked and threw the eggs at him. He caught one and it cracked in his hand, whereas the other cracked against his shoulder.
"Yes, Gerard, we're very mature." I patted his shoulder, leaving a white handprint.

"Damn, this was a clean shirt too." Gerard complained and I smirked, going upstairs. I took a quick shower, cringing at the sticky substance the powder turned to once water was added. Once I was done, I quickly dried my hair and changed into one of Frank's shirts and a pair of leggings. Before going downstairs, I checked on Cherry and Lily, who were still sleeping.
In the shower I had plenty of time to think. Jamia and Frank's divorce had been finalised and they were sharing custody over the girls. Jamia has apologised to me over what happened at the party and she and Frank were friends again.

"Hey, Y/N, you know that video you posted?" Frank asked when I sat down on the couch. He sat next to me whilst Gerard laid across the other.
"The recent one."

"You'll have to be more specific." I yawned.

"The cover of our song; I'm not Okay." Frank said and I hummed.
"Was that Mikey's guitar?"

"Yeah, I made it when I was staying with him, why?" I leaned against him.

"He's jealous." Gerard said and I laughed.

"Am not." Frank muttered, wrapping his arms around me.
"Why are you here anyway? You just sort of appeared."

"Shut up. I helped you clean up." Gerard sassed.
"Plus, Lindsey kicked me out for the day because she wants to spend time with Bandit, but I keep getting in the way."

"Gee, you love your kid too much. Every time I've seen her, she's been in your arms or you've been distracted, playing with her." I laughed and he pouted.
"Lyndsey needs time with her too."

"But Bandit is just awesome. She's the Robin to my Batman."

"She's 2 years old." Frank snorted.

"Yeah and she's already the most adorable and perfect combination of Lyndsey and I. I can't wait for her to grow up some more so Lyndsey can teach her guitar and she can attend our concerts." Gerard fangirled and I shook my head, a smile on my face.

"You're adorable, Gee." I sighed and Frank muttered something I didn't understand.
"You too, Frankie."

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