1. Remember Me

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It was, quite frankly, like getting caught up in a wild hurricane that was only seconds away from devouring you whole. Adrenaline was pushing through his veins and it drove him on the edge of his mind, but until the very end all he felt was helplessness. 

When he was on the ground, staring at his little brother getting shot, all he could think about was how he had let it all come down to this.

And the guilt never left him.

This memory was followed by an endless void of darkness. All the warning signs had been there, Sean realized. His little brother was getting erratic, and his mind had been completely off him all this time. 

Sean was so focused on getting to know everyone at the camp that he had given no time to Daniel at all. 

Perhaps it was a way for him to escape his role as a big brother and he truly regretted it as he was thinking back now, but losing a father, finding out your brother has telekinetic powers and being chased by the police as a possible murder suspect was not an easy place to start on. Especially not for a 16-year-old city kid whose only source of thrill prior to these events had been riding shotgun with a drunk friend.

It was things like these that made him realize how reckless he had been in his previous life. Eventually he had to start forgetting everything knew and build something new, but at times he needed to look back and reminisce about home sweet home where all things were considered bad, but in a good way. 

There were times when Sean was hoping to find himself gifted with the power to turn back time so he could unwind all the bad things and return to the past, but as time went on he was convinced it was all just driving him stir crazy.

Sean's mind wandered off to the moment where Daniel had accused him of spending too much time with Cassidy. As he proceeded to use his powers to strangle Cassidy, Sean had never been as scared of what his little brother could do to any of them. Great power can be dangerous in the hands of someone who isn't able to control themselves. 

Sean felt guilty for all the times he picked selfish options, because he should have been with Daniel when he most needed him.

The worst of all was that despite feeling guilty about neglecting Daniel, he did not regret kissing Cassidy or entering her tent the last night. He did not regret writing a new chapter in his personal life while holding his brother aside for that special moment. 

But most of all, he did not regret being jealous of what Daniel and Finn had become―and he did not regret being in for the heist, or kissing Finn at the side of the camp before it all went to hell. It's true that he was practically kissing a deal with the devil that night, but the taste had been rather bittersweet and it made him want more. 

He was discovering something new about himself, and that needed to be done without Daniel.

Everything was being engulfed by the void, however. He couldn't put a finger on any of his memories anymore.

The darkness was soon pierced by a ray of light, a throbbing pain and distant yells that were reminiscent of how Finn used to wake him up in the morning so he wouldn't be late for work. 

That thought reassured him as he traveled back to consciousness and opened his eyes into a blurry vision that didn't allow him to distinguish any of his surroundings. It was like he was waking up from a deep slumber but his body wasn't ready for it.

"Sean!" a voice called him out repeatedly, and he was sure he could feel someone grabbing his shoulders and trying to jostle him awake. The whole situation made him worry that there was something wrong but all he could think about was how thirsty his mouth felt at the moment.

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