3. Breakout Buddies

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Sean was already halfway through his cappuccino when Cassidy and Finn returned to the hospital room. A hint of tension remained between them, but he tried not to think about it.

Finn demanded to have the rest of Sean's coffee for some kicks and Cassidy sat down at the other end of the room, looking rather gloomy.

They began talking about their next plan.

Finn had an idea for what they could do, and Sean was almost certain it had something to do with Costa Rica and coconut drinks. But the guy didn't have a chance to present his plan before Cassidy reminded them about the inevitable facts. 

Sean was still in the middle of his recovery and the hospital staff were already on edge with his unknown identity. Finn had tried to pay for his treatment in cash to avoid being involved with cops when they first arrived at the hospital, but the staff had refused to take the money and asked for identification.

Sean asked Finn about the origin of the money he would have used to cover the bills. He didn't reply and suspiciously turned away.

"I could break out of the hospital during the night. By the time they would notice we would already be on another train headed to the next state", Sean suggested, to which Finn nodded his head eagerly to. 

But Cassidy didn't agree with it, "Y'know these people know what they're doing. If they say your recovery needs a few more days, that means you're nowhere near ready."

Sean tried to insist on how healthy he was feeling already, but it seemed to be for naught. As much as she didn't enjoy being involved with the staff in the facility and wanted to be on her way as well, Cassidy didn't want to risk Sean's safety either. 

So, they resorted to waiting until he was completely healed and dealing headfirst with whatever was coming their way. 

But as the night was falling in and the visiting hours were about to end, Sean already had contradicting plans. 

He was sure that hanging around in the hospital for any longer would get them caught. Someone had probably already reported him to the police and they were on their way to bring him in. He couldn't let that happen.

Cassidy changed the water on the flowers before she left, bid him goodnight and told him not to worry about what was going to happen. They would figure something out.

Finn had passed out on the chair, but was slapped awake by Cassidy, who seemed to be used to babysitting him.

Finn tried to mumble something to Sean. He couldn't figure out what he was trying to say, but the attempt did bring a smile to his face.

They squeezed through the door together and closed it behind them, leaving Sean alone in his dimly lighted hospital room. He was already feeling rather weary, but he knew he had to wait a little bit longer before getting out of bed.

The clock on the wall seemed to be moving slower than ever before. He had no idea whether this plan was going to work or not.

It would take a while for everyone to settle down behind the door. Sean wouldn't exactly be able to walk through the main entrance, however. The building was probably heavily guarded and there were surveillance cameras all over the place.

When the hand of the clock hit two in the dead of night, Sean started stripping himself clear of all the unnecessary installations. He had no idea if taking them off would launch an alarm of some sorts, but that was a risk he had to take.

Sean started pacing around the room looking for his clothes, and was able to find them in the cupboard at the back of the room. He quickly changed out of the hospital uniform and dressed up in his basic outfit.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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