Parts 4 - 5

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Ben Truman came into the office not much later and did the autopsies as the bodies arrived. Today was a slow day, Thank God!

Samantha and I began our research immediately. We didn't limit ourselves in anyway, we took in every resource and opinion we could find. Everything, from animal attack photons, to the different types of know human bite shapes and such.

It was annoying, and grueling work. For a lot of times we couldn't guarantee, with one hundred percent, that the pictures were accurate and also precise. Needless to say, with so many pranksters on the internet it made our goal be difficult to achieve; and in general, it made it take a whole lot longer. Many times when we though we had a very close match it turned out to be someone's rendition of what a zombie bite might look like. I scoffed at the idea of there being any such thing as "undead". It was utterly impossible, science could, and does (or should I say did?), produce significant evidence against the "undead". The whole idea was very stupid to me, and Samantha agreed, yet there was a certain look in her eye when she saw the similarity, it was the same loon when a person allows something to be a possibility.

Then, finally, we found something: a digital picture of a bite left by someone, who didn't have very nice teeth. It was exact to what Jimmy had. I called Geth.

"Detective Geth. Homicide." Geth said in answering.

"Geth, its Doctor Spellding. I've found something that may help your investigation." I replied.

At first he was silent, but then he spoke. "Go on doc, I'm listening." He replied. I could hear his office chair squeak in the background, either he stopped leaning, or he just started. God, I hope he stopped, he only leans when he's in for a lecture that he doesn't want to hear.

"Jimmy...the victim I mean. It's about the neck wound, I didn't write anything in the autopsy report on it, because I didn't find anything helpful. Well Samantha and I, she's my autopsy assistant, the one who found the body, decided to do some research,and we found it. It matches this digital example of what a sever bite would look like from a human with bad, disorderly teeth." I said, finally getting it off my chest.

"Are you and your assistant sure?" He asked.

"Yes. Beyond any reasonable doubt." I replied.

"Okay. Thank you doc, this helps a bunch." He said. I told him it was no problem then we said goodbye and hung up. Samantha was there holding another cup of coffee to me, I took it with thanks, and we drank in silence.


Later that night I was working on the file on Jimmy. Many things didn't make any sense and I was really bothered by that, so there I was. Looking over the files...again. Only me and Mark, who is our other janitor, were on the premises. He and Jimmy used to switch on and off, like Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Jimmy would do the janitorial duties. And Mark did Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We had been on that schedule for two years now, but no more.

Mark came into my office when he first arrived, to check on me and see if I was alright. Surprisingly, Mark wasn't scared a bit about being there that night. Being curious I asked him why.

"Ha! If sole sicko tried to bite my throat out, I'd knock his face off with my fist! Especially after what he did to Jimmy." He said, his voice getting quieter when he mentioned Jimmy. I merely nodded my head and he left to continue his janitorial duties.

Nearly thirty minutes later I went out to re-examine a wound that caught my eye in Jimmy's file: the tear of his abdominal muscles. So I went into the operating room, which is where we store the bodies in a large steel cabinet that is kept cool. And being extremely tired I pulled open the wrong door and pulled out the wrong tray, which was empty. Amused at myself I began to push the tray back in, but then I realized that there as a white cloth on the tray. It was ripped to shreds. Immediately my mind began racing. I checked the door, it was listed as "Francis Dunnbore" yet there wasn't a body. Slowly I slide the tray in then closed the door and literally ran to my office. I closed the door and locked it. Then quickly looked outside to see that Mark was still here, thank God. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, hoping that I was just seeing things earlier, after all I was tired; but somehow I just knew I wasn't seeing things. I just knew it. Mark picked up on the second ring.

"Sup doc?" He said in his usual way.

"Mark, could you come straight to my office? There's something that you need to see." I said desperately; hoping, praying that he'd come.

"Yeah. Sure doc, be there in a few. I need to finish up this mopping stuff real quick." He said. His voice suggested that he was confused, but it didn't hint that he was lying.

Approximately ten minutes later he opened my office door, which I had unlocked after I called him. As soon as he saw me his eyes changed from confusion to worry.

"Um...hey doc, you alright? You don't look so hot." He asked as he walked towards me apprehensively.

I nodded my head quickly. "I'm fine Mark. But there's something that I need to show you." I said as I walked past him, to my office door and opened it with caution, fearful of what may be hiding in the shadows. I slowly walked out into the hallway and Mark followed, obviously confused by my fearful behavior. It wasn't like me, that I'll admit, anyone who knows me could tell you that. Soon we entered the operating room. It was empty, clean and completely quite. As I walked toward the steel cabinet, I grabbed the log sheet from a small desk. The log sheet contained the dates that every body was checked in, had an autopsy performed on them, and put in the cooler cabinet.

"What am I supposed to see?" Mark asked very confused. I didn't answer. I opened the door that "Francis Dunnbore" was supposed to be behind. I then pulled out the tray which the torn white sheet was on. Mark looked at the white sheet, but he didn't make the connection.

"There is supposed to be a body on this tray Mark. A "Francis Dunnbore" should be lying on this tray, but he isn't." I explained.

"You sure doc? Maybe it's a mistake." He said, trying to make it as if it was nothing.

" I'm positive Mark. Look, we never put a sheet in the tray unless there's a body to cover up; and second, according to this chart," I stopped talking to seek out the victim's name, "See, there! I checked in Francis on Wednesday evening at about five o'clock."

Mark didn't reply, but his face became ashen. His eyes widened as he thought over what I just said. Finally he simply told me to go home. In fact, he wouldn't take no for answer, he half ushered half forced me to my car and made sure I left. I never saw Mark again, at least not alive.

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