anthony kiedis x reader

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young tony flow is my kink — the long hair gets me every time. ))

WARNINGS : mention of death and drug usage

Pure and utter darkness crept over the hills of Los Angeles, California.

The moons beaming silver rays cast down in the shimmering dark pools in every backyard and sparkled off of the reflective windows.

There was a knock at the door that echoed loudly off the marble floors of the luxurious Los Angeles mansion.

You took your time to get it, you was scared of who could be waiting behind the door, covered in the darkness of the night ready to strike at the vulnerable defenseless girl all alone in the large home.

You opened the door anyways and you were surprised when you saw Anthony swaying back and forth under the pale yellow porch light.

There was silence between you, but crickets in the shadows filled the gap with a rickety never ending chirping sound.

"You were supposed to leave." You broke the silence first and shielded yourself slightly behind the heavy wooden door.

"This is still my house." Anthony spoke in a slurred and broken tone.

It didn't take an idiot to clearly see that he wasn't sober. His dark brown hues were glazed over in a never ending state of false euphoria.

His flowing honey wheat hair was all knotted up like he hadn't brushed it out in days and greasy to the point it didn't gleam or shine in the light like it usually did.

"I'm worried about you." You looked at him sympathetically and moved out from behind the door to stand in the pale light of the doorway across from him.

He shook his head, his body twitching almost. "It's nothing I'm fine." His eyelids looked heavy like he was ready to pass out. His knees shook and looked as if they were going to buckle under the pressure of holding himself up.

You didn't believe him. Anthony could lie to himself all he wanted about his depression and his addiction problems, but you could never believe him.

Anthony could say he was going to quit drugs and get sober, but it was never long term it was only ever a small break that eventually fell through.

After awhile you learned not to get your hopes up anymore.

"You're not fine Anthony." You grabbed his hand and pulled the slim yet muscular man into the darkness of the mansion.

He reluctantly stumbled inside and came a little too close to your chest. "Please (Y/n) I can't be here, I can't keep doing this to you."

You shut the door behind him and made sure to lock it to keep out the demons of the night and the drugs and corruption that followed behind him.

"It's not me you should be worried about. I never want you to go through this alone so please just stay the night and get some rest before your tour." You tried to rationalize with him and in his delusional state he seemed to give in.

"Okay, thank you." He leaned into your side and kinda let his weight rest against you.

You grunted and wrapped your arm around his side so you could help drag him up the large staircase to the master bedroom

The bedroom was dimly light by the light sensitive chandelier hanging above the king sized bed.

You went to go lay him in the bed, but instead he turned and dragged you into the bathroom along with him.

"I need to shower, I can hardly keep my eyes open." He mumbled and pulled away from your grasp so he could lean against the sink.

You knew the state of exhaustion wasn't coming from him not sleeping, but the side affects of the heavy drugs he took prior to coming there and maybe a sign of overdosage.

"Let me help you." You insisted and grabbed the back of his arm from behind.

Immediately he pulled away from you out of embarrassment that the middle aged man couldn't even bathe himself. "No."

"You can't take care of yourself right now so please Anthony let me do it." You tugged off his black jacket and underneath he was wearing no shirt.

He went silent and completely submitted to your touch and let you take care of him in ways a mother would take care of their child.

You sat him down on the closed toilet seat so he wouldn't fall over.

You turned to the bath and began to run the hot water so it would be enjoyable and not a traumatizing experience.

You turned back to Anthony who was dazed out and hanging his head down low.

You ripped the worn wool hat off his head to reveal a rats nest of tangled greasy hair.

Your fingers pulled and worked at the laces of his shoes so you could pull them off along with his socks.

It was silent as your hands moved up to the zipper of his jeans.

He flinched back a bit and picked his head up to look at you.

"I've seen it all before baby." You whispered in a reassuring and non judgmental tone.

He complied and let you slip off his jeans along with his boxers and after that you helped him to sit down in the tub.

You kneeled at his side and grabbed the shampoo and conditioner so you could work your fingers through his knotted hair and massage his scalp.

He fell back into the palms of your hands and told you how good it felt coming from you.

You were quick to rinse his hair from all the soaps, making sure not to get any water into his eyes.

You moved your head closer and pressed a small kiss to the side of his temple as you grabbed the sponge that was hanging up.

You lathered it up and then ever so softly began to rub it back and forth across his shoulders and back, he had the strength to wash his privates and after that you rinsed him off with the detachable shower head.

The water came to a halt and you were quick to wrap a warm towel around his body. The water had awakened him a little bit and while he dried off you went to grab him clothes from the dresser.

You helped him get dressed and then helped him to bed.

He fell back into the warm sheets and comforters. His head relaxed into the pillows and his long wet hair dampened the sheets.

You crawled into bed next to him and moved a few wet strands of hair out of his face.

As soon as you laid down Anthony was quick to wrap his arm around your torso and rest his head on your breasts like a pillow.

You pulled the blankets up over you guys and wrapped your arms around him to hold him close.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself." You whispered in a sad tone that made you imagine just how worse things had been in the past.

"I know I'm sorry. I'm gonna try this time (Y/n) I promise." He nuzzled his head against your chest and squeezed your torso tighter.

You didn't believe him even though you really wanted to. You wanted to believe it because the tone of his voice sounded sincere and on the verge of tears.

"Okay Anthony... okay." You whispered in am agreeing tone just for the sake of him and pressed you lips to his wet hair multiple times and let your soft hands rub up and down his relaxed back.

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