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Chapter 3

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Before I knew it, two weeks had passed.

I should've known. No matter how fun it is to play with a bird in a cage, there are much more birds outside. Better, more interesting, prettier birds who you didn't have to beg to leave their cage.

In fact, those birds had no cage.

"You look down these days," one of my maidservants, a younger girl named Mei, said. "Is anything the matter, Priestess?"

"Nothing," I said, uneasy. "But do you know what happened to the messenger?"

"You mean Guan? He's well, why?"

"Not him—the other messenger." She frowned, and I blushed. "Never mind, please forget it."

"Your hair is done now."

I picked up the mirror on my wooden vanity table to look at my hair. This time Mei had fixed it into a fancy high pompadour.

"The Emperor wants you to be dressed up because he'll be bringing over a guest this evening, so I'll get out your azure robe," she said.

"I see." I placed down the mirror as she turned around to get my clothing. I was poking at my scalp, which was uncomfortable due to how tight my hair was pulled, when there was a knock on my door. Both of us stopped what we were doing and turned to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me." It was Rui. I immediately stood up, by reflex.

Mei turned to look at me with confusion. She mouthed me something but I couldn't tell. I was busy racking my brain for an excuse.

"He's the messenger's helper," I said.

"Oh, the one you were asking about!" she said, loudly. I gestured for her to quiet down in embarrassment and then walked to the door. When I was close enough I opened it a crack and whispered through it. "Did you bring your friends?"

"No, I just learned you will be meeting one of them tonight, so I came to tell you."

One of them was the Emperor's guest? It wasn't a lie?

"Which one is it—the warrior or the scholar?"

"The warrior. I hope you two get along well. They'll come with me to meet you again at night, after dinner. Is that good with you?"

I quickly thought it over. I'll be meeting with the warrior and the Emperor at around noon, for tea, then after dinner Rui, the warrior, and the scholar will come. My heart was pounding again. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. Not to mention this time it wasn't simply one secret guest, but three.

"I understand. Thank you for the message." I was about to close the door when he suddenly called my name.

"Lady Li Xiang-"


"I'm sorry I haven't visited in a long time. I've been busy. I'm sorry."

I stood there dumbly. I didn't know how to to respond to his apology, which, frankly, had taken me by surprise.

"It's fine," I finally said at last. "Goodbye."

I closed the door and turned back. Mei stood there with my azure robe and a lighter outer garment.

"Is something the matter, Priestess?"

"No, no," I said quickly. "They just wanted me to know the guest is a warrior from the Hu clan."

"I see." I walked to her and she began undressing me, peeling each layer by layer, sash by sash, until I was in my undergarments.

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