Chapter 19

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After I closed the blinds on my window, I let out a scream and hurled my crutch at my desk. Pens and a small tower of books crashed to the floor, and the hard rubber on the bottom of the crutch hit the wall hard with enough to create a small dent in it. The music was loud enough that I couldn't hear what I had just done.

My body was shaking, and I couldn't get the thought of Jasper kissing me out of my head. What was he thinking? We have always been enemies to one another. Ever since he moved in, it was non-stop torment from him. Was this a new way of torturing me? If so, it has gone to far.

The thought of Evan appeared in my mind. He was the only boy I have ever kissed. And that was just last night. I know Evan and I aren't together, but how would he react? He probably be pissed and decide I'm not worth the trouble. That would suck, but I know the feeling so I'd probably get over it faster. For all I know, Jasper could have already told him. He probably even had a camera set up as proof.

I somehow managed to hobble over to my bed without falling. Just after I plopped down on my stomach, I broke down in tears. I felt so violated. The thought of him kissing me felt like I got punched in the gut.

I don't know how long I laid there, but at least twenty five songs have played. My room was pitch black. The blinds blocked out all the light from the nearby street lamps and the moon. The only small source of light came from my phone that was a couple of inches from face. Every now and then I would get a text, but I felt completely drained. My pillow was soaked with my tears, and my eyes felt like they were on fire.

I couldn't move. My entire body felt like It was made out of lead. The loud music was causing my head to ache. I wanted to turn the music off. I was all cried out, so I didn't need the music to mask my sobs.

It took all my strength to lift of my arm to grab my phone and disconnect it from my Bluetooth speakers. When the music was off, an eerie silence filled the room.

On the screen of my phone, I could see that I had a couple of text messages as well as a few missed calls. They were from Emily, probably wondering where I was. What was I supposed to tell her? I left because her asshole of a son took it upon himself to assault me? Yeah, not happening. It sounds hella awkward.

Most of the texts were from Evan. There were four, and they were spread about an hour apart.

Evan: Hope everything thing is going well. I haven't seen you on the news yet for murdering King yet.

Evan: Are you still there?

Evan: Is everything alright?

Evan: Did something happen?

My face was expressionless as I read those texts. He was worried about me. It felt as if someone had a death grip on my heart, and every second they would squeeze harder.

I don't think Jasper had told him yet, but do I want him to hear it from me? That sounds like a reasonable option, but I didn't know how to go about it. I'm not good with emotions, and I'm not sure how either one of us will react. I could just push it off. At least, until tomorrow.

Hattie: Sorry I just got home. We got into an intense game of Monopoly .

I sigh as I close my eyes. Lying to Evan wasn't something that I wanted to do, but I didn't have a choice. The phone buzzed in my hand, and I peeked one eye open to read the message.

Evan: Ah ok. I miss you.

I smiled at my phone, opening both eyes before I began to type.

Hattie: I miss you too

Suddenly, my phone rang in my hand. At first, I thought it was Emily calling, but when I glanced at the caller ID I saw that it was Evan.

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