Chapter 48: Bang Bang!

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This is the last chapter!!! Eeeepppp! I'm personally scared but excited! Go in prepared for anything!

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(Arie's POV)

The sun pierced through my lids, making me groan at the sudden intrusion. I turned under the covers and nuzzled my face into the muscled back of the love of my life. Leo's scent warmed me inside out, my stomach tightening with giddiness. I traced my fingers along the scratches I clawed into his flesh and kissed them softly.

He turned around in his sleep and pulled me to his chest, trapping me in his strong arms. Last night was the best night of my life. Leo and I talked, laughed, professed our love for each other, and made love all night long. I barely slept for an hour. Maybe it was two. I wasn't sure. Blotches of red and purple bruises from my mouth stained his neck with a few peppered on his chest. The hickeys on him weren't as bad as they were on my body. He sucked on my flesh throughout my body and I was worried about how the hell I was going to hide all the ones on my neck.

I studied his resting features that were devoid of any stress, so calm and innocent. Gosh! I missed seeing him like this. I placed a tiny kiss on the top of his nose and raised my head a bit to look at the clock.

"Fuck me!" I cursed, trying to wiggle out of Leo's tight hold.

"I will. Just stop moving," Leo grumbled groggily, his eyes still shut. His morning voice was deep and husky, his erection poking my thigh which made me want him at the moment, but I had responsibilities. Although I didn't have work today, school was still very much opened.

"Kids gotta go to school," I pouted, managing to free myself from his grip. As I got out of the bed, my weak legs gave out and threw my naked body to the cold floor. "Shit!"

I heard Leo snort which made me give him the finger before I wrapped a sheet around my body and made the walk of shame to my room. The lower region of my body was ridiculously sore, but it was accompanied by mind-blowing pleasure. I refrained from touching myself in the shower thinking about the searing fuck session from last night. As quickly as I could, I washed myself and threw some clothes on that didn't reek of sex. I hurried to the kids' room and quietly eased Lucian into waking up. Ana's school didn't start until an hour later, so the little princess got extra time to snore.

"No," Lucian protested, wanting to sleep it off a little longer, but he was already going to run late because his parents were selfish and decided to stay up all night doing... Damn it! I wanted to crawl back into the bed with Leo and sleep it off myself.

"Baby, we are gonna be late."

I carried him to the bathroom and gave him a quick shower. Wrapping a towel around his wet body, I pecked the top of his head. "Wanna wear your clothes by yourself?"

"Yes, I'm a big boy now, mamma." He nudged me out of the room. "I will brush my teeth, wear my clothes, and be out. Bye!" He shut the bathroom door on me. My smart boy was growing up too fast for me to savor each moment. Soon I'd become Mom, then Mother, and eventually just Arie for him. Ugh! I dreaded the kids growing up.

As I made my way downstairs, I bumped into Mike who was fully dressed in a fitted gray suit, ready to start the day. "What are you doing here so early?"

"Came to give Leo this." He held up a navy blue suit and a bag with other essentials his boss may need.

"He's in the guest room beside mine," I said and began to walk toward the kitchen when he stopped me.

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