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When I woke up there was no sign of Derek in my room. Yes, he stayed the previous night. No, we didn't do anything because I fell asleep almost two minutes after he kissed me. The last thing I remembered before dozing off was him sitting on my desk, saying that he'll stay to make sure I'm safe. I still wanted to tell him about the Alpha's strange mercy upon me, but if it wasn't obvious, I was exhausted.

Which brings me to the next problem: there was a test today that I completely forgot about. Stiles barely stopped the jeep at the school before I bolted for my locker to grab my notes, scanning through them while students passed me. Chemistry's easy... Chemistry's fun... Chemistry will get me somewhere... Chemistry's hands on my cheeks... Chemistry's breath on my face... Chemistry's lips on mine...

I gulped for air when reality hit me. Did I just image Chemistry being Derek kissing me? Well, the chemistry between the two of us last night was undeniable. But it wasn't helping my case here! I'd rather drive a car off a bridge than getting a 'B' on my test and seeing Mr Harris' disappointment afterwards. The bell rang and I was nowhere close to being prepared for the test.

I shuffled into class and took the seat the closest to the door. Something was clawing at my chest like a rising panic attack. Everything just seemed wrong that moment as invisible walls closed in on me. My throat went completely dry when Mr Harris placed the test in front of me, eyeing me warily, "You alright, Riley?" He frowned underneath his glasses, "You look a bit pale."

"Feeling a bit under the weather, Mr Harris," I muttered and tried ignoring the test on my desk.

"If it gets worse, just tell me. Your grades are good enough."

I nodded, smiling stiffly, "Thank you, Mr Harris."

Only when the next person entered the class, did I feel the annoying pressure on my chest increase. Scott went straight for Allison, probably planning on getting her to take him back. He didn't even look at me, but maybe it was a good thing because at that moment my stare would've been enough to kill him.

"Mr McCall, please take a seat." Mr Harris spoke from the front of the class, waiting for Scott to take a seat before continuing, "You have 45 minutes to complete the test. 25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book. However, as it happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin."

I wrote my name on the cover of the blue booklet and turned to the first age. Instantly the pressure in my chest reached its peak when the words began swimming on the page. I could barely breathe, barely swallow when the irritating clicks of pens, shuffle of paper, and tapping of nails reached my ears. Everything that's been weighing me down the past few days, were whirling in my head, leaving me no choice but to reflect back to them: Scott framed Derek for a crime he didn't commit, there's an Alpha terrorizing this town and the people I care about, Allison's family's probably keeping tabs on Derek and everything he does, there's no way that we can be sure that Deaton's the Alpha, I'm constantly worrying about my dad getting hurt, there's a full moon tonight, the never-ending chasing after Scott to keep him from killing someone, and the fact that I still had to focus on school and keep my grades up.

"Riley?" Mr Harris' voice brought me back to reality. I looked up at him, noticing that he actually seemed concerned about something. He studied my face, brows knitted together, "Why don't you get a pass from the office and go home? You really don't look well."

I wasn't going to argue with that, well on my way to shove my stuff into my bag and run out of the class. However, someone has beaten me to it. Everyone's heads snapped up when Scott made a dash for the door, and just like I expected, Stiles followed shortly.

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