Interesting facts about our brain

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1. The brain is the only organ to that does not have any pain receptors, meaning that the brain can't feel pain, perfect for a brain surgeon, I guess!

2. Subsequently our brains require on average 20-30% of energy consumed by the body. This is vital to maintain perfect function, controlling neuronal impulses received from stimuli all over the body. This energy is provided in a form of glucose, which is naturally derived from a carbohydrate chain.

3. On average the human brain weighs 3lb, however, 85% of this mass is due to the section known as the cerebrum. The cerebrum is associated with higher brain function, such as thought and action, and is divided into four sections.

4. A brain is divided into two distinct colours, the white matter and the grey matter. The grey matter is made up of mostly the cell bodies of many neurones, by which the white matter is made up of mostly the neuronal axon, therefore presenting a white colour due to the myelin sheath extending from the oligodendrocytes.

5. The blood brain barrier is made up of endothelial cells with added support from the feet of astrocytes wrapping around the endothelial cells and blood vessels in the brain, creating a hydrophobic barrier only allowing through lipid soluble substances, some g ass and other molecules like water.

6. Why talk to a baby, they are not going to respond, right!

Well, that may not be the case; studies have shown that reading stories out loud and talking really helps promote brain development. Plus the fact that humans throughout life continue to make new neurones and connections due to mental stimuli.

7. Oxygen being vital for the brain means that the brain requires a constant supply at all times.

If the delivery of oxygen to the brain is stopped for longer than 5-6 minutes causes the brain to begin to decline and start dying. If oxygen levels are restored after this time but under 10 minutes, brain damage is likely to occur, longer than 10 minutes and the brain will die due to starvation of oxygen.

8. Ah, I can never remember my dreams, I am sure I just never dream!

Are you not a dreamer, well actually you are! The dream state has been found to occur in the 5th stage of your sleep, also known as rapid eye movement or (REM). Weirdly, our brain activity tends to heighten during the night. Some studies have shown that most dreams are forgotten about 10 minutes after the dream occurred. Which could be a great explanation for forgotten dreams, plus you only tend to remember dreams when you were awoken during one, or maybe that's just me!

9. Want to boost your brains function, organisation and its ability, of course you do!

Studies have shown in both adults and children, those who play a musical instrument tend to have a great boost in regards to the brains ability and the way it is organised. This is mostly due to many areas of the brain becoming active at once requiring the activation of visual, motor and auditory. Over time the brain will strengthen these connections allowing you to put them to use with other tasks that require the adaptation of these skills.

10. If the brain doesn't feel pain then, what is a headache?

Most headaches are a pain caused by neurons, blood vessels or muscles found in the head and face. The most common being caused from a stressful moment, which is usually a result of a repetitive contraction of facial areas. Other common cause can be due to illness, starring at a computer screen for long periods or even withdrawals, if you are a regular coffee drinker, but have not had a coffee for a while. If you do get headaches on regular occasions (this being two or more a week) then it may be worth having a consultation with a doctor.

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