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After the weekend, Quinn and Isaac were both back to square one

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After the weekend, Quinn and Isaac were both back to square one. Yes, they were still friends, but no-things between them were not going as well as they had wanted.

During lunchtime, the pack could all feel the tension between the pair and left things to convert to being awkward-and the only one who had the guts to say something was the Strawberry Blonde Banshee of the group.

Lydia was always known as the blunt one, and when she noticed something-she'd say what she needed.

"Okay-" Lydia lowered her hands on the table, which was enough for everyone to know she was going to say something important-but then again, almost anything she said was important.

"What in the world happened between the pair of you?" She turned to Isaac who was at one end and Quinn on the other

"What makes you think something happened?" Isaac asked and Lydia deadpanned in annoyance at his words.

"Don't go there Isaac" She jeered making Quinn recoil unknowingly.

"Seriously, I'm going to be quite frank, but it's awfully annoying for me and most likely everyone else, having to balance out your problems" Lydia huffed

"Lyd-" Allison spoke up but quickly fell silent to feeling Isaac hitting his hand on the table.

"There is nothing going on!" He responded aggressively which alerted each of them in shock," Right Quinn?!" He turned to the said female who looked up at him and didn't say a word.

He wanted to believe that what happened was not something big and unfixable-but with Quinn's silence, he was left to think otherwise.

"Quinn?" His voice laced with hurt as she let out a breath

"I'm sorry" was all she said as she quickly got out of the bench and ran off, leaving him to just watch her retreating figure in hurt.

"You two are a mess" Lydia explained," And frankly until you two actually talk your differences, everything is just going to repeat itself, Isaac"

"What do you want me to do?" He asked desperately

This time instead of Lydia speaking it was Stiles who was-despite him battling his own hardships still had some common sense," You both will never go back to the days before all of this-and you both have to learn and accept that"

"Stiles is right" Allison was next to speak," None of us can give you the answer you want Isaac, except for us having to tell you that sometimes-things are better left in the past"

Isaac looked at Scott hoping to hear what he had to say, but the Alpha had nothing. For once, Scott McCall had nothing to say for the situation, at least that was what he thought when Scott didn't say anything right away.

"Quinn had been through a lot" He started which had everyone turn their attention to him," When we were dating, I often found her trying to hide her unhappiness and I tried to cure it-only to realize that I made it worse. She didn't need to be constantly treated like she was fragile, and that is what you are doing"

"How exactly?" Isaac questioned

"Well, for starters-" Scott straightened his posture," Acting overprotective to any male that approaches her and that includes me." He saw Isaac flinch at his last word as he continued," I'm not saying that it's wrong, but for Quinn-I think all she can see is you treating her like she can't handle her own affairs"

"I don't do that" Isaac quickly denied

"But does she see it that way?" Scott raised his eyebrow

Isaac shrugged his shoulder," I act like that for a reason"

"What is the reason?" Lydia leaned on her palm hoping that this conversation would lead to him finally realizing his true feelings.

"I'm not sure-okay? I-just like I told Quinn, I can't explain it" Isaac explained," Whenever I see her talk to other guys, or even having to think about when Scott and Quinn having been together. I just get so angry"

If Stiles had the energy he always had, he would have just said what Isaac was so confused about, but instead, he responded half-heartedly," Come on Isaac, you can't really be this dense"

Isaac looked at him furrowing his brows "Dense how?"

"That you love Quinn" This time everyone had said it together, which had the Lahey nearly jump in his seat at how synchronized they sounded.

"I do love her" Isaac replied," I always have"

"We are not talking about that kind of love Isaac" Scott sighed," We are talking about something more intimate"

Isaac looked at each of them confirming that they all agreed.

He loved Quinn? -no scratch that-He loves Quinn more than a friend?

His eyes widened as the realization hit him, finally processing all the confusion he had been having since becoming friends with Quinn again.

"Well...shit" Was as he could mumble as he tried to even his breathing

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