Chapter Thirteen

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 Days passed and it came one morning that Roald was packing his ships with food and brilliant furs of all colors that would keep his men warm. Clare watched from afar, sitting on one of the steps to a nearby home. Clare could not help but ponder what towns or cities Roald would next destroy.

She saw that all of the Viking men were packing, all except for Nafarr who stood by her. She began to wonder why he was watching just as she, and not helping Roald gather things for their next summer raids Finally curiosity got the best of her and she asked, "Why do you not help them?"

"Because," he smiled a half smile, "I am not going with them."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she was left to ask next, "Why not?"

His gaze met hers then, with a sternness that she could not decipher as rage or regret, "I am to watch after you."

            Clare snapped defiantly "I do not need watching after. I can protect myself."  

"Ah, I know that, but you seem to be confused by my words." He knelt down next to her and smiled, "Roald wants me to watch after you so that you do not escape again. It is a matter between the two of us."

She quirked an eyebrow at that and smirked, "It will take more than one man to keep me here. I have plans, Nafarr, and these plans do not involve my staying here."

"And who's to say that I will stop you?" Nafarr laughed, but Clare caught a hint of seriousness to his tone. She was about to ask if he meant his words, but Roald approached them then and frowned, "I am to leave you now, but when I come back, we will be wedded."

Clare spat at his feet from where she was sitting, "No such thing will happen, for I will not marry a monster."

His frown deepened at her response but was quickly replaced by a serious look, "Yes, Clare, we will be wedded. In time you will see that I am not a monster."

She grunted, and turned her head away. Before she could comprehend his next move, Roald had turned her head back towards him and took his lips onto his own. His tongue forced her lips apart and he kissed her roughly. When he broke away, he said, "Behave." Then, he left to go to his ships.

Clare grunted louder this time, "It is not in my nature to abide by your rules." But Roald either did not hear her or ignored her.

Nafarr laughed loudly from her side and shook his head from side to side, "Some things will never change."

"What is that supposed to mean?" She snapped, but found herself longing to watch the ships leave. She watched as the men got into them and pushed them from side to side.

Nafarr took her attention again, "It means that you two are both so stubborn that you cannot see that neither one of you have committed fault towards the other."

She glared at him, "He killed my townspeople and is now going to kill more from my land!"

He walked away then, laughing so loudly that it unnerved her. And, when Clare looked back to the ships that were sailing away, she could easily see Roald staring at her with a hard look.


            Nafarr followed Clare wherever she went. When he was not following her, she could still feel his gaze upon her back. She was quickly becoming aggravated and at one point she had even demanded that he stopped following her every move. It was not until that night that he had finally left her in Birla's company, that he left her to retire.

            Birla was smirking as soon as Nafarr had gone, and then she smiled at Clare and grabbed her wrist, "Come," she whispered, "I must show you something."

A Viking's Catch (Book One of the Sogn Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя