8. Lost Keys

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I turn and look up to see Christian standing by the door. I don't say anything as I see him close it behind him and enter the dim lit room.

"What are you doing here?" I breathe out tiredly.

"Got a call from the hospital, guess I'm still saved as an emergency number." He says nervously taking a few steps towards me.

I can't stand looking at him so I rather face my mother again. "You're not supposed to be here Christian. I got the restraining order for a reason."

"Look at me." I hear his gentle voice. "Maddie."

Look at me... I said fucking look at me!

I flinch when I feel him touching my shoulder, and a second later his hand slowly moves away. "W-what happened to mom?"

I sigh still not looking at him.

"Tell me please. Is it something serious? Maybe I can help."

Tell me you love me. Say it Madison!

"No." My face stern and voice sharp as I stand up facing him. "It's time for you to leave."

Christian's eyes grow big as he stands there in shock. He looks down at my mother before meeting my eyes. "I really wanna make things right with you, but if you need space then that's fine. Call me if you need anything." He heads back to the door but before he opens it he turns back. "You're important to me, Madison."

His soft brown eyes almost makes me believe him.

I just stand there watching him leave the room. I walk closer to the window that's next to the door and look at him in the hallway through the grey shaded blinds. Some nurses walk by blocking my view but then I see him once again.
He walks closer to a little boy sitting on one of the chairs in the aisle. He crouches down at the boy smiling as they share a quick high-five before picking him up in his arms and walking further down until I can't see him anymore.

I frown. That's strange.

Who is that boy? And why did he suddenly pick him up?


"Ugh!" Where's my apartment keys?
I've been searching in my bag for the past twenty minutes hoping I will find them but when I don't I annoyingly throw my bag on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk.

I've lost everything that's important to me and now I loose my keys too.

Just great!

"You can stop now! You win, you fucking win!" I frustrately shout out looking up at the dark sky, earning a couple glances from people around me. They must think I'm out of my mind but I can't care about that right now.

I pick my things up and walk off to wherever my feet takes me but I stop taking my phone out wanting to call Whitney, but then I remember her son and husband is out of town for the weekend, a hotel in this city is to expensive, and if I call Carl right now I bet he wouldn't even pick up.

Let's give it a try shall we?

I find his number and press the call button. I'm waiting... Still waiting, and then it went straight to voice mail.


You're important to me, Madison.

Should I?

I find his contact but hesitate tapping on the call button.

Call me if you need anything.

His caring voice rings in my ears. He can be sweet when he wants to be, but no thanks, I'm fine. I'm not going back to him.

I stand still, my thoughts all jambled. Today was just awful. I woke up awful, went to the park and got harassed by some weirdo but then...

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