Chapter 12

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"That was a great game!" Patty said as we took the elevator to the family waiting room.

"I know!, Aaron was out of this world today!" I said my excitement over the board.

In a matter of hours I had become so used to Patty and Wayne, we kept talking about all kinds of things as we were waiting for the players to come out.

"PLAY OFF BOUND BABY!!!!"  Tyler came out first which was a little weird to me since he always waits for Aaron. 

 I guess he read my face because he walked straight to me and gave me a smile. 

"Your man has a meeting with the hitting coach" He said taking a seat next to Wayne, facing me.

It was weird to me they just won a major game and I thought that they would come out fast like most of the other players did, they came to celebrate. 

"Really? so late?" I asked. Then it hit me. My dad is the hitting coach so now I didn't know exactly what Tyler meant so I laughed.

All the emotion from winning such an important game was making me crazy already.

"You know they are kinda close" Tyler joked.

"Whatever the coach is saying is working, he is been seen the ball good the last couple of games." Wayne said.

"He is a really good coach and I'm not saying that because he is my dad!" We all laughed at my comment.

I lost track of time while we were all talking, by the time that Aaron and my dad came out we were the only family left in the room. 

"Oh, here is the cool crew!" My dad said as he walked into the room. I went to hug him and Aaron walked over to his parents.

"Hi, honey!" My dad said kissing the top of my head.

"Nobody is cooler than you coach!, look at those kicks!" Tyler said speaking about my dad's shoes. 

Ever since he took this job he has been more boyish. I love it, it was almost as if he was playing again. He looked so young and he was always in a good mood, coming to New York had been the best decision ever for us.

"Thanks, Ty. They were a gift from our star right fielder" My dad said looking at Aaron who was getting hugs from his parents.

"Actually my cool girlfriend thought that you would like it" Aaron smiled.

"Oh your girlfriend sounds very smart"  I joked walking towards Aaron. 

"Oh, she is! among other things" He said as I hugged him.

"Congratulations on play off and making history" I said low enough that only he could heard it. 

"Thanks" Aaron said matching my tone of voice. He wasn't big on celebrating milestones, for him all those things were "Just another number" he only cares for the team and that makes me love him even more.

My dad was talking with Aaron's parents, they had met when the Yankees played in California. I got sick that week and couldn't make the trip. 

I was really happy that they won. This was a really happy after the game encounter it doesn't really goes like this if they had lost and the season would've been over. 

I guess they wanted to give us some space because they started to walk out of the room. I placed my arms around Aaron. 

"Hey!" I said more calmly now that we were alone.

"Hi" he whispered right before his lips met mine. It was a soft kiss that made my heart beat so fast, like it wanted to get out of my chest.

"You look so beautiful today" He said in a low tone of voice. We were alone but I liked keeping this level of intimacy so I whispered too.

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