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dedicated to @PebbleQueen for the inspiration on this and the next chapter also, for any rereaders i have changed the chapters slightly, i was getting hate on the similarity <3

dedicated to @PebbleQueen for the inspiration on this and the next chapter also, for any rereaders i have changed the chapters slightly, i was getting hate on the similarity <3

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'you may hold my hand for a while but you hold my heart forever'

I follow behind Lance as he leads me through the village, my eyes falling on the many people who watch as we go past, the rows of stores on the side on the concrete sidewalk occasionally draw my eyes due to the extravagant outfits and items in them

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I follow behind Lance as he leads me through the village, my eyes falling on the many people who watch as we go past, the rows of stores on the side on the concrete sidewalk occasionally draw my eyes due to the extravagant outfits and items in them.

I'm pleasantly surprised as i look around, noticing the many houses in the distance, some in rows others with their own area, young kids run around their parents feet as they base each other before settling when they lay eyes on me,

I don't understand yet what Titus meant about keeping an open mind, as cold hearted as he is, his pack is happy, and they are being treat well.

However, that thought is pushed out of my mind as i find the poles, men basically stapled to them, bruises and cuts littering their skin, i watch as a member of the pack walks up and takes a swing at one of the men before stepping down to his laughing friends.

"Luna, c'mon," I nod as i begin to follow Lance, my eyes still trailed on the men as they hang in shame, "What did they do?" I question Lance finally looking away from them, "One of them stole medication, another murdered and one set some prisoners free, the their will be on there for another week, while the other two will be on till they die," I look down nodding,

"I saw a man punch one of them, what was that about? Why didn't he get pushed away?" I question, catching up to the tall man who seems to have forgotten my short legs. "Part of the punishment, anyone in the pack can punch, kick, cut or throw food at them, as long as they don't die from their abuse," I shake my head, that's just ridiculously is the punishment itself.

"This is the darker side of the pack land, that y'all building is the prison, obviously we can go in there if you choose, but i would advise against it." I shake my head, I need to see what he does to these people, "I want to go in," Lance looks hesitant but he leads me inside anyway.

As soon as he pushes open the iron door, the potent smell of blood fills my lungs, "This is the control area, one click of this button and every door in this place opens," I eye the button carefully "Don't, you would be releasing some very dangerous people," I nod subtly, still eyeing the red square.

I feel Lance gently push me further into the large building, there are thousands of prisoners here, each floor has around 200 cells, all the same condition, we keep the worst in the basement, they don't have social interaction until they are being punished." I must say i'm beginning to regret coming in here, I get temporarily distracted when i hear a deep strangled cry.

It's almost as if i lose control as i walk over to the noise peering in through the metal bars at an older man as he sits in the center of the room, tears falling down his cheeks. "Luna," He speaks his breathing short, within seconds he's by the bars, "Please, you have to believe i only stole the goods because of my daughter, she was in heat and her mate rejected her, i needed the stuff of which i couldn't buy, please Luna i just want to get back to my family." I take a step back with watery eyes.

"Luna, come on, i shouldn't of allowed you to come here." Lance speaks, placing a hand around my wrist and leading me away from the pleading man. "Lance, how will he be punished?" I ask reluctantly, already having a feeling i won't like the answer.

"Well he stole thousands of dollars worth of medication and then resisted arrest and ended up harming one of the guards, knowing Titus, the man is most likely going to be put to death. Whether it's by being hung and starved in town, or a private execution done by the Alpha himself."

And just like that, the hatred i felt for Titus floods back in, almost as if i had broken a spell, the mark on my neck begins to burn but i attempt to ignore the pain as i continue to follow Lance back to Titus' home "I don't understand, He was helping his family, Lance, If Charity was in pain i would die to get her help." I speak as he continues to drag me back, ignoring the curious glares from pack members.

"Maybe so, but Alpha Titus doesn't care about the 'why' he cares about the 'what' If you commit a crime here, no matter what the reasoning you get punished, the worse the crime, the worse the punishment."

"What if you're falsely accused?" I question as i attempt to keep up with him. "Alpha Titus doesn't ask questions, if there is enough evidence against someone, it doesn't matter if they have an alibi or something that can clear their name. The evidence against them almost always rules over and they get punished, not that i personally agree but i'm not Alpha."

I stay silent for the remainder of the journey. My mind and heart racing as i hear the mans screams repeatedly. He was doing something i would do, something anyone would do and he's dying for it, i understand that he shouldn't go unpunished, but death? Taking him away from his family? It's to severe.

As soon as the house comes into my line of sight i pull my wrist from Lance's grip and rush inside. I immediately spot Charity and Titus whose heads turn my way but i ignore them as i rush up the stairs, into Titus' office, slamming the door behind me. I grab the phone on his desk, keying in Libby's number panicking.

"Libby, I don't have much time to explain this to you, But i need you to do me a favor, Tonight at midnight i need you to go to my work, I need you to order something and stay until i get there, then i need you to take Charity, and go back to yours, pretend everything is alright, take her to school and just take care of her."

"What-," She tries to question me but instantly i cut her off "I will explain everything, just trust me." I speak before placing the phone back on its holder as tears rush from my eyes, i'm not allowing Charity to stay here, especially with what i need to do.

"Amity?" I hear his deep voice echo through the hallway, sending a shudder down my spine as i rush behind the door, curling up into a tight ball. I hear the knob on the door rattle, however when it doesn't open i hear his sigh, "Amity, open the door,"

No. I want to scream. No. However i stick to crying silently as i fear my life, as i feat for Charitys life. Them thoughts don't last long however as one sharp kick pushes the door open. Immediately he spots me, rushing over.

"Lance told me, I told you to keep an open mind, I told you you wouldn't like what you see." He speaks i swear i hear his voice break but i ignore it. I feel his hand lightly brush my arm causing me to tense once more "Don't touch me,' I practically spit causing him to retract his hand.

"You kill people because you like it, not because you have to. There are people in those dungeons who deserve a few years locked up or community service who are on the road to death. You are an evil man, A man i'm absolutely furious i was dumb enough to try and give a chance." I sigh as i stand, still shaking.

"Don't speak to me unless you are planning on changing that lust for murder." I say, my voice seemingly strong as i push past him, the mark on my neck throbs painfully but again i choose to ignore it along with the burning pit in my stomach i can only assume is coming from him.

Alpha Titus (editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя