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A/N: So this is a quick explanation of what I mean by Shorts and why I'm writing this. First of all, these are a bunch of short stories that have happened behind-the-scenes. These have all happened in the storyline in this book, I just haven't found the perfect spot for them. So I'm putting them here.

Another reason for this is because this part of the book is coming to an end rapidly quickly, and I have a few things that I want Y/N to figure out or do before the end of Part 1.

Each individual story ends whenever there's a line of these: "~~~~~~~" I apologise for the confusion, and I hope you enjoy these shorts!


You're bored, sitting on one of the couches doing nothing. Crowley's in his study, doing God-knows-what (Satan-knows-what, to be exact). You haven't been spending very much time with Aziraphale lately, it would be nice to stop by.

You walk over to the study. After knocking, you yell through the door to alert Crowley of where you're going.

"Hey, Crowley?"


"I'm going to head over to Aziraphale's."

"Don't forget your pistol."

"I won't."

"See you later, Y/N."

"Bye!" You leave.

At A. Z. Fell & Co, you find that Aziraphale is already expecting you. He's sitting at the desk with an empty chair next to him.

"Ah, Y/N. Crowley said you'd be coming. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I was just bored."

He laughs. "Bored? With Crowley?"

"Yeah, unbelievable, I know. Do you have any ideas?"

"Hm. Have you had lunch?"

"Oh, I... haven't."

"Well, then, let's go out! How about that?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

He smiles and stands. You walk to the restaurant together-- as soon as you spot the building, you notice that it's a sushi place.

"Do you like sushi?" Aziraphale asks. You'd tried it a few times with your parents, and you always enjoyed it, but it was something of a delicacy. You rarely ever went out to eat until Aziraphale.

"Yeah, it's really good."

"This chef makes the best sushi, you'll love it!"

"I'm sure I will!"

Aziraphale grins as you both enter the building. He leads the way to a bar where a sushi chef stands.

They exchange a quick greeting and Aziraphale places an order.

"So, Y/N, what have you been up to recently?"

"Uh... I found a prophecy in the book that I think has to do with Armageddon."

"Oh? What number?"

You rack your mind. "Three thousand and four."

"What was it about?"

"Something like how someone will have their faith restored, be torn between two worlds, make a really hard decision and they'll sacrifice something important, and everything will be okay at some point. There was also a weird part about 'affection shall be forgotten' which makes no sense."

The Incarnate (A Good Omens CrowleyxReader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant