My Angel

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I rolled over and pulled the blanket over my head. A smell of woods, chocolate and citrus fruits consumed me. I don't remember buying this perfume, it's quite manly, but it's devine. I was just about to let sleep consume me again when it hit me like Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball.

I can recall most of what happened before lights out. However there is one thing I know for certain. I collapsed next to a deserted open road and forest. I could be anywhere with anyone. I kept my eyes closed hoping that if anyone is in the room they would still be under the assumption that I am still out cold. So far all I know is I am lying on a bed, I can feel the soft sheets under my hands, the duvet draped across my body and a fluffy pillow under my head. Not difficult to put together.

But that is all I know. I remain perfectly still and move my focus to my surroundings not what is supporting my weight.
There is no breeze on my face, the air is still. Either both the window and doors are closed or else there aren't any. No footsteps, no creeks, the only sounds in this room are coming from me. With each inhale and exhale I remain alone.

Trusting my gut I make to decision to open my eyes. The room is darker than I expected. The colours very neutral, beige almost grey and white walls with a mahogany wood floor. There are multiple windows high and low, squares and rectangles. They cover the wall and only the top two open. Given the height of the window and its dimensions, the only way for me to get out of that window is to go through it. The curtains are drawn but very sloppily, allowing some light to shine through. It means the person who closed them has not returned to open them but that will probably happen soon.

I don't know how much time I have. I sat up and swung my legs around so they dangled off the bed. My head was pounding and things were spinning. I got to my feet and walked straight over to the windows. I'm on the second floor, at the back of the building. This indicated by the lack of driveway or cars and the fact that i'm looking at a large grassy area leading up to a forest.

Cold air wrapped around my ankles. My head snapped towards the door, preparing myself for a fight. I may be injured, I may be in pain but it does not mean I will not try to fight. There was a little boy standing there. I recognised him but I couldn't put my finger on it. He's about nine or ten. His dark brown hair slightly covering his emerald green eyes.

A small voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"It-it's you, you came back. She's going to be so happy. Quick come with me"
I didn't even have time to process what he had said before he caught my hand and was dragging me out of the room. People no matter how cold and heartless always have a weak spot for children. I saw it in war zones, the compassion they hold for young helpless children. They recruit child soldiers because it's easier than killing them and also in a war soldiers like myself wouldn't bat an eyelid to kill a man or woman with a gun but a child, no one pulls that trigger with a light heart when children are involved. So with this little boy, I have some form of protection.

We were going around corners, hallway after hallway, rooms everywhere, then down a staircase. How the hell did this little boy know where he was going. I'm confused already,and i've had training in this sort of thing.

He came to a stop in front of a door. At first glance there was nothing special about it, it was a cream door we had passed a fair few on the way.
"Go on you can go inside she'll be so happy to see you"
She could be my killer or my saviour.
I think he was getting impatient because he knocked on the door himself then pushed me into the room. I barely had time to catch myself.

I took in my surroundings, looking for any sign of a threat. What can I say Afghanistan changes a person. Instead all I found was a little girl playing with barbies in the middle of the room.
I cleared my throat hoping to gain her attention. Nothing.
Alex - 0 Malibu Barbie -1

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