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Lily's POV

"W-why a punishment, I didn't do anything w-wrong?"

"Do you not remember my rule that I gave you before we came here?" He never looked at me, kept his eyes on the road with his hand under his chin. I gulped hard and my heart was racing. I never did anything wrong I didn't break any ru-..... that guy. His one rule that I don't talk to any men.

"I-I didn't mean to it wasn't my fault I was trying to get him to get away from me. Can't this just be a warning or some shit I don't need a fūcking punishment." I was starting to get irritated with him. I have no reason to get a punishment.

"First of all, your warning was the rule which you should have followed and you wouldn't be in this predicament. Second, just now you raised your voice and cussed therefore I should give you two punishments but I feel because this is your first punishment I'll go easy and give you one." An evil smirk plastered on his face.

So generous. I don't want any punishment I feel like I did nothing wrong.

It's been a little bit and I can see the house coming up. My palms immediately started to sweat then itch then sweat again. He stopped the car once we pulled into the garage. I quickly tried to unbuckle and open the door but he locked them. Getting out of his side of the car he pulled out his phone started typing in camera few of the maids to grab the shopping bags I then heard a tall and skinny woman ask "is there anything else I can get you Master Stephen?"

"No that will be all make sure everyone is gone in two minutes, you all have the rest of the day off."

"Thank you sir I will let them know." She bowed, dismissing herself and left into the house with the others. I was just sitting in the car waiting. He looked at me and started walking to the door I looked away and stared at my hands.

Opening my door he said, "I want you in the room by the edge of the bed." Then he looked me up and down, devilishly he spoke, "I want you in my favorite outfit of yours." I knew which one he meant, I knew exactly which one he meant.

I hopped out the car looking only down and started walking. "You have until I count to 60 if you aren't exactly where you are supposed to be in what I told you then that's two punishments." I turned to face him, my mouth open and I'm shook from what he just said. "One...Two..." I dashed upstairs like I was going to finally meet Beyoncé.

I went upstairs to my room putting on the outfit and having a hard time figuring out which side was the front or the back. "Thirty three.... thirty four..." damn man count slower! I rushed to look for his room. "Forty two... forty three..." ok ok now this is a dangerous game I need to find this mans room. No one else was here to help me find it. I heard him go to the bottom of
the stairs. "Fifty six.... fifty seven..." On the ninth door I think I found it, a master bedroom on the other end of the hallway with a king size bed, navy blue and gray colored bedding as was the rest of the room, and it smelled like him so I assumed.

He was walking closer to the room I had just sat down and bowed my head. "Sixty." Looking up at him I watched him look at me. Scratch that stare at me. Looking me up and down I was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Stand up." He told me from the doorway. I did as told standing but I looked anywhere but at him and folded my arms. He walked over to me and grabbed my arm to put it high over my head and twirl me around. When I looked at him his eyes were a shade darker and his grip got tight around my wrist.

"I'm going to be easy on this one so this is what you will do. You will be spanked 45 times. For every one that I do you must count out loud and say thank you daddy. If you miss one we start over. Understood?"

I nod my head. "Words."

"Y-yes I u-understand." He directed me to lay down on the bed. He grabbed handcuffs from somewhere I have no idea I wasn't paying attention and cuffed my wrists and ankles to the ends of the bed. I was not prepared for that one.

He hit my butt, a nice little sting went through but it wasn't anything to crazy. "One. Thank you D-daddy." He did it again a little harder this time I felt this was going to be long and painful.

"Th-thirty eight. Thank y-you daddy." My eyes were red from crying so much the pain was excruciating. My butt was sore and I couldn't do anything but lay in that same position, my wrists and ankles started to get bruised from me pulling them. Finally I had reached the last one. My sobs filling the room. He had sat next to me on the bed and pulled my hair out of the way of my sweaty face. He grabbed a soothing lotion or something and put it on my butt I made a satisfying noise. Not finna lie it felt good because it helped with the pain a little.

"Next time I won't be so easy on you. And your panties..." he grabbed the thong part of it and let it go making a loud slapping sound. "...are soaked. A part of you likes pain. I'll be sure to remember that." I could hear the smirk in his tone. He started uncuffing me. I tried to sit normally like he was but I forgot that my butt was in critical condition. I winced, standing up instead and starting to head to my room.

Grabbing my arm he said "where do you think you're going?"

"T-to my room, I need to t-take a shower."

"I have one go ahead and use it." Nodding my head I started walking toward his bathroom trying to walk as stiff as possible. "I'll join you in a second" snapping my neck to look at him I said.

"You don't have to join me, I-I c-can take a shower alone." He glared at me and I looked away quick fast and in a hurry.

"I didn't ask if you wanted me to come."


Sorry for the late update
Pain is a kink oooo spicy 👀
What's gonna happen in the shower
Find out next chapterrrr

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