Prologue- 17 Years Ago

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He stood near the window, his golden eyes resting on the baby in the crib. His heart pounded in his chest, and he had to take a deep breath before he walked forward, his steps silent against the carpeted floor.

The baby slept peacefully, unaware of the man in the room with her, and he was grateful. He didn't need her to wake up and scream out her protests to wake up her sleeping parents.

Ignford didn't know what her parents would do if they noticed one of the Original Ten in their house in the room of their young daughter, who was the reincarnation of his descendant, Cassandra.

He stopped in front of the crib and studied her, his heart thundered in his chest, for she looked exactly like she had when she was born the first time.

"Goddess," he breathed out, and the baby wrinkled her nose and yawned. "You look just like her, Little One. You just do not have the burden that she had."

Hesitantly, he reached out and touched her hand, and his heart leaped into his throat when she grasped his finger.

Her hand was small, and it didn't fully wrap around his finger. However, her grip was strong, and he had a feeling that with the right hand helping her train, she could reach her full potential even before she was blessed with her wolf and the memories of her past life.

Light flooded the room, blinding the male, and he instantly let out a ferocious growl while he pulled his finger away from the baby to cover his face. His heart clenched with grief when he heard the baby whimper, but he didn't look at her.

"She said that one of you would come," a feminine voice said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But she didn't say which one or when."

Ingford squinted and waited for his eyes to adjust. He took a deep breath and smelled the scent of the female, her new mother, and memorized it. He could pick up a different scent on her, something he knew but couldn't quite place, and wondered if it had to deal with her husband because he could tell that she was human.

How did she know about them, then?

"Which one are you?" the female asked. She cleared her throat, and he had a feeling that she blushed while she shifted on her feet. "If I may ask, Sir."

"Ingford," he replied, praying that he wasn't making a mistake in telling her about him. "Ingford the Chosen."

She was silent, and he was sure she nodded her head. "Are you the reason why she had gold eyes when she was born?"

"Yes," he replied. His eyes adjusted to the light, and he removed his hands from his face and stood his tall, 6'9 form.

Beautiful... that was the word he could describe this short, barely 5'3, female. But Tula was more beautiful than her and all that he needed and ever wanted.

The female looked up and tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear. Her green eyes looked him up and down, and she nodded her head as if she agreed with herself about something. "Did you want to hold her?" she asked.


Ingford smiled sadly and shook his head. "No," he said, fighting back his instincts. "I am just here to deliver stuff."

The female scoffed and rolled her eyes. She moved to his side, and Ingford could tell that she wasn't afraid of his tall form. She reached into the crib and gently pulled the sleeping child out of it. "Do you know how to hold a baby?" she asked, looking up at him.

"I was also a father," he replied. "I know how to hold a child."

"Then fold your arms together, and I will put her in them." She gave the male a look, and the male instantly obliged and folded his arms for her to put the baby in them. Gently, the female put the baby in his arms.

Ingford didn't breathe; he couldn't, and he studied the baby in his arms.


"Her name is Cassidy," the female said. "Cassidy Anne Lanchester, Cass for short."

An amused smile appeared on his face, and he nodded his head. He stayed silent and shifted the baby in his arms until he could free his other arm and placed a finger in her grasp.

"How long have you been waiting for her?" the female asked.

"Two years," he replied. "We have been waiting for her for two years."

"Did you know when she was born?"

Ingford nodded. "June 21st at five in the morning on the dot." He moved his finger around and watched as she held onto it. "Just like she had when she was born from me."

She nodded. "My name is Annalisa," she said. She licked her lips and cleared her throat. "On the back of her neck at the base, there is a mark. It looks like a birthmark. Is it?"

Ingford sighed sadly. He had a feeling that mark would appear on her skin. "It was a scar that she had received to mark her as a traitor."

Annalisa gasped and covered her mouth. "Of?" she asked. Pity and fear filled her voice, and Ingford didn't have to look at her to know that her eyes were wide.

"A traitor of the pack she came from and of the werewolf population."

"But?" she inquired.

"She is not a traitor. That is why there is a slash through it."

Annalisa nodded her head. "Will she be safe here?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ingford sighed, his heart clenching in grief. "I don't know," he said, honestly. "I pray that she will be." Gently, he placed the baby back into the crib before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a bunny that was missing an eye and a necklace. "She is going to need to keep this on her at all times," he said, holding up the necklace. "It's for her protection."

Annalisa nodded her head. She watched Ingford set the bunny into the crib without a word before he placed the necklace around her neck.

"I will keep an eye on her as well," Ingford said, breaking the silence that had fallen on them. "If you need help with anything. Contact me."

Annalisa slowly nodded her head. "How?" she asked with furrowed brows.

Ingford smiled and shook his head. "You will know once she is in danger." He cleared his throat and stood, bowing his head in respect. "Excuse me; I have outstayed my welcome."

He walked away and vanished, leaving the female confused but relieved.

Annalisa sighed, looked at her daughter, and noticed that her eyes were open and speckled with gold. She smiled and placed her finger near her, and her daughter instantly clutched onto it, her grip strong.

"I don't know what you had been through, Cass, but I promise that you will not have the past you have had before," she whispered. She placed a kiss on the child's hand. "Goodnight. I love you."

And with that, she let go of her daughter's hand and walked away, knowing full well that her daughter would fall asleep again until morning.

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