part twelve

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"i was so worried about you. i heard you went to nates party and when i tried calling that night your phone went straight to voicemail." cassie approaches me at my locker, first thing this morning.

"oh yeah, sorry bout that."

she stands there for a sec, causing me to shift my body back towards my locker, fiddling with my books to seem busy.

i feel her eyes on me making me cough, breaking her out of the trance.

"brianna are you okay? you seem like you've been off lately." she finally gets out.

i peak up to her from my locker. "what are you talking about, cass. i'm fine, i swear."

she sighs before looking around us. once she notices no one is close enough to hear, she leans towards me.

"look i know you're with nate and everything and i'm not saying you can't do what you want but come on bri. nate jacobs? really?" she whispers.

i knew eventually this conversation would come. from nearly the beginning, cass and i have despised nate and the fact that i'm now publicly with him doesn't make any sense.

"hes not that bad, cass." i mumble, making her arms swing up in the air.

"bull fucking shit, bri! you and i both know what type of person nate is. and ever since it's basically been confirmed that you're with him by going upstairs with him at his party, i just can't stop myself from worrying of your changed behavior."

i bite my lip as i look cassie in the eyes. she's right, ever since nate nut in me, i haven't been feeling right about anything, especially about myself.

i guess i'm just mad that i let myself get that low, even though i can admit that i do care somewhat about nate.

"cass, listen. i'll admit i've been feeling kinda down lately, but it has nothing to do with anything involving nate jacobs. it's me, okay? i just feel like, i don't know, like weird i guess." i let out, hoping that by me putting it all on me, cassie will steer away from the subject of nate.

"see i knew it-" she drops her bag on the ground, pulling me into her for a hug.

"why didn't you just tell me something was up? you know i'm here for you." she mumbles against me.

i sigh, embracing her back as i think to myself.

"mostly because i don't even know what's making me feel off like this, it's just happening, you know." i half lie.

you see i know nate's nut has me feeling fucked up in the head, but as to why, i have no idea.

not to get fucking personal or anything, but hardin's came in me plenty of times, i mean that's the whole reason i even got on the pill.

i've never felt some type away about it.

fez and i used protection the two times we've fucked, and because we were so high the second time, i'm pretty sure he somehow ripped the condom when opening it because some of his cum did leak out at the end.

and again, i didn't feel any different after that.

so maybe it's nate jacobs dick that has me feeling this way because other than that i really have no explanation.

the bell finally rings, bringing me back to reality of me and cass still hugging. i pull away, smiling at her.

"cass i'm sure i'll snap outta it soon, please stop worrying about me. i love you but come on, i'm not this damn important. plus, you have to tell me about you and mkay, remember?" i quickly change the subject, shutting my locker.

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