Chapter 44: The Phoenix

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"Okay," Julian threw a creased, folded map of the continental United States down on one of the beds.  There were already markings all over it.  He had circled and starred a number of major cities, including Detroit, Cleveland, Memphis, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Austin, Atlanta and Chicago.  "I suggest we start with one of these places.  They have some of the highest crime rates in the country.  We probably won't see much action if we stay here in Charleston."

"Agreed," Isaac said.  "If we plan on helping people, we should go where our services will be needed most."

"Shouldn't we be looking at worldwide crime-rates, then?" Danielle said.

Julian smiled, as if pleased to see her participating.  "One step at a time, there, Danielle.  Let's start with an area of the world that we're at least somewhat familiar with."

"This is so awesome!"  That gleam in Jewel's eyes was coming through full-force.  While Danielle and Shane still appeared slightly reluctant, Jewel looked more like an adrenaline junkie about to launch herself out of a plane.

"Jewel, you realize this isn't a game, don't you?" Isaac said, lifting his eyes from the map.  "We have to be careful how we approach this."

"Yeah, I know that, Isaac.  Doesn't mean I can't be excited, though, does it?"

"Just keep it mind," Isaac said and went back to perusing the map. 

I caught Reza's eye and we both grinned.  Game or not, Jewel's enthusiasm was highly contagious.  I felt like some of her crazy energy was being physical transferred over to me, drowning out my nerves—or at least making them less noticeable.

I could not believe this was happening.  When I had been ranting and raving about helping people who needed it and using our abilities to do the right thing, it had never occurred to me that someone would actually listen.  Not in my wildest imagination had I ever dreamed that we would actually go through with any of my ideas. 

It would have been a lie to say I wasn't nervous.  My palms were sweating and I felt like my stomach was writhing with live snakes.  But, for the moment at least, my excitement outweighed my fear.

"I'm thinking Atlanta," Julian said, pointing the city out on the map.  ""It's the closest major city.  We could fly there in under a day."

"Umm," I said.  "When you say 'fly', do you mean..."

"I don't mean on an airplane if that's what you're asking," Julian said.  "Me and Isaac can carry three people each, no problem."

My heart rate sped up at the thought of travelling cross-country on the back of a dragon or whatever Julian happened to be.  A Griffin, maybe?  A phoenix?  He could be another dragon, for all I knew.  He was similar enough to Isaac.

"I'm not overly concerned with how we get there," Isaac said.  "The question is:  what's our first move once we arrive?" 

"I'm not interested in being timid," Julian replied.  For a second, his rich, amber eyes reminded me strongly of a hawk or an eagle.  "I say we start taking down the criminals as soon as we arrive.  That's the whole point of this, isn't it?  To do something for a change?"

"Yes, but I think it's important that we lay down some ground-rules.  Let's not make the situation any more dangerous than it already is."

"All right.  What do you suggest?"

"First of all, participation should be one-hundred-percent voluntary.  If any member of the group—at any point—feels uncomfortable with what we're doing, they are free to leave.  No questions asked."  He looked hard at Jewel as he said this.  "Understood?"

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