Mungojerrie x reader

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"(Y/N)'S BACK!!!" Yelled Jemima from the roof of a rusted car.

At hearing this, the mischievous pair of cat burglars, quickly made thair way to the senter of the junk yard.

When they got there they saw that you had, indeed returned.

The second Mungojerrie laid his eyes on you, a daft, love struck smile made it's way onto his face. He purred in delight as he leant on the neerest pile of tires, with his head in his hands.

(Im Imagining the hearts emoji circling his head 😂 💞💖)

At seeing her brother in such a goofy state, Rumpleteazer smiled and said
"Will you just go tell her you like her already!"
In a teasing tone.

With an agitated chuff he turned to her and replied " I can't. I wouldent even know how to begin"

"Well it's easy, just turn around and say hi , how are ya. I think you're pretty. wanna go out some time?" Rumple smiled, cheekily.
However, her smile grew as she saw the object of her brothers attention start to sneak up behind him.

At seeing his sister so smug made a small pinch of anger run through him.

3rd person pov

The twins have been you're best friends for years.

Rumpleteazer was like the sister you never had. She always had your back, no matter what it was.

Mungojerrie ,on the other hand..... became the biggest crush you ever had.

You couldent help it. It was like a cheesy fanfiction where the protagonist has feelings for someone they've known for years but that person doesn't know. ( 😑 )

It sucked but you didn't care. You just enjoyed the company of your best friends.

Your POV

There he was. Tall,Ginger Broad shoulderd , fluffy furd tom with his back facing me. This was my time to strike.

As I slowly got closer I begun to hear little bits of the convosation that they were having. It was clear that Rumpleteazer was giving her brother some kind of advise that he clearly didn't agree with.


I'm close enuph.

With a bound I leaped through the air and landed on Mungojerries back. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, I said "HUG ATTACK!" with a giggle.

3rd person POV (again)

"Ha ha ha, hi guys" you laughed as you climbed down from your spot on Mungojerries back.

When you didn't get an answer you took quick glances at the pair.
Both of thair faces went through a variety of emotions. From shock to annoyance.

"Everything ok?" You asked Rumple with a confused look.

"OH yes, yes everything's fine." She replied

You suddenly got a small nuge from the male on the side of you. When your attention was on him you saw that he was looking at something elce.

"Hey, look at that. Plato's trying to flirt with Victoria again." He said glancing back at you and Rumpleteazer.

Following his gase you did, indeed, see the 2 kittens start a convosation.

"Awww look at them." Rumple cood

"I know, look at him trying. It's so cute." You awwed as you stood beside the ginger male.

With your eyes so fixed on the young couple you failed to feel Mungojerries on you.

By this point Rumpleteazer had taken it upon herself to leave the two of you alone for a little bit. (Because honestly she was getting board )

"It's just so sweet. The two of them have known each other for ages and I'm happy for them."

"Yea, gives you hope doesn't it?" He smiled still looking at you.

You looked back at him with a smirk on your lips. " Yea it does........ I have something to tell you."

"OH no, what have you done now? " he laughed leaning on a pile of trash.

"Nothing yet. Just please... promise me that nothing changes between us after what I tell you." you asked wrapping your hands around his with worry.

At seeing you in such a panic made him change from his usual cocky and mischievous persona, into a more calmer one.

" Yes, yes I promise. Wats wrong?" He chuffed as he brought you into a hug to calm you down.

You buried your face in his chest and let out a sigh.

"I like you. Allot. I know its supid but its true." You said lifting your head from it's position to look up at his red tinted face.

"Since when?" He asked with a confused and happy smile.

" Since about 3 years ago."

"That long? And I didn't notice?" He smiled looking down at you "guess I'll have to get to know you better by being around you more."

You could tell that this was his goofy way of saying he liked you too. He had never been one to explain his emotions properly so he created his own way of doing it ,in a way that others could understand.

"You know... if that's ok with you?" He said in a shy tone.

You gave a smile in response as you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down towards your face, bringing him into a quick but loving kiss.

"Kiss attack!"

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