Chapter 1

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"What do you wish for the most child?"

"Can it be anything?"

"Anything you desire, for I am at the most grateful towards you."

I took a look around my room. The posters on the walls were slightly crinkled and flared on the edges, yet they stayed precious to my heart. I held tight to the black notebook feeling tears begin to pool in my green orbs. My head dropped, along with my brown hair creating a curtain around me. Head snapping up I stared at them, eyes gleaming with determination, "Let me be in the Death Note universe! Please!"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course!" My eyebrows furrowed angered at the question.

They paused, "Ah... um alright then," They mumbled under his breath, "Fucking weebs."

With a snap of their fingers the world and all that I had known turned bright white. Pain shot through my skull echoing constantly. Despite my complete and utter devotion to my wish, fear of what was to come swallowed me and snuffed out everything.

x X x

I was in bed. It was soft, comforting to me aching body. I yawned, cracking open my eyes to see the first bit of sunlight. My posters, they weren't there. My figurines, gone. The paint I begged my parents for, a different color. I shot out of the bed, pulling back the unfamiliar covers and fully immersing myself in different territory.

"It was real," I whispered.

"Sora! Come down for breakfast please!" An unknown voice yelled up to me from down below.

I didn't listen, instead I ran towards the mirror in the room the face before me falling in shock. The eyes were wide and bright, shining in green. My hair was already up in two high pigtails with long bangs that hovered just in front of my eyes truly making it a nuisance. I tightened my night shirt seeing the sudden prominent curves. My lips matched my skin color creating no shape to it except a simple line. My nose was no longer curved, but a sharp half triangle. I couldn't see my nostrils! Thoughts swirled on how I was breathing, but my thoughts were cut short by the voice from before yelling back lightly.

"Come down Sora! Please!"

I took a deep breath, before yelling back, "Coming!"

My legs stopped short hearing my own voice, only just realizing I was indeed speaking and understanding Japanese. Second, that my voice was at least a million times higher pitched than it had been prior to making that wish. I shook off the shock that had soaked me, once more focusing on making my way downstairs to the unknown.

There were various side dishes squished on the dining room table along with white rice and miso soup. I was surprised I knew any of the dishes names due to my lack of knowledge on Japanese meals. I sat down at the table and began to eat the meal before me. Overall, I had decided to go with the flow of this. I looked similar to the art style of the Death Note anime, so it seemed the wish worked.

My mouth was shoved with food when the voice from earlier walked up to where I sat. She was wearing a low side ponytail making me cringe knowing I'd witnessed her death and have to go through character development. Her eyes widened at the sight of me and for a moment I stiffened. Maybe I shouldn't have let myself be seen? I'd figured I was put in a family for the show. Apparently not?

She spoke, still surprised etched in every feature, "Y-you're actually eating it?"

"Yeah...?" I quirked an eyebrow still struggling with swallowing.

Her delicate hands raised to her mouth like mine and eyes growing with tears, "I can't believe it... after all these years... someone finally ate the food I made."

Words flew out of my pale lips before I could think to stop, "Um, What else am I supposed to do with it?"

"Oh I don't know," her hands fell, threading and twisting with themselves, "Usually you simply grab a piece of toast in your mouth and run off to school," She paused, "Speaking of, why aren't you in your uniform and school starts soon."

"What!" I ran upstairs hearing my 'mom' begging me to continue eating. I changed quickly, surprised I didn't have a magical girl transformation. Though, I suppose this isn't that type of anime. My skirt was short making me worry when I'd be used as fanservice. My socks went above my knee making me know I would indeed be used for fanservice.

Running downstairs, some part of me deep down forced myself to grab a piece of toast and shoving in my mouth. I ignored my 'mom's' tears knowing she'd only be useful for my character growth. About to open the door, the mom spoke up something besides how sad she was that I wasn't eating her food, "Wait! You got a letter!"

I stopped. Turning to her and grabbing the letter. I nodded mumbling a quick thank you and leaving the house completely ignoring how I had just been in a rush to get to school. My pace was normal as I opened the letter, beginning to read it. It was a list of rules and knowledge.

You should know this already. If you don't you're more of a dumbass than I believed, but you are in the Death Note universe. I have placed you in the same neighborhood as Light Yagami. Here are a list of rules you must follow if you wish to live:

Do not call Light Yagami "Imagay". Have had too many already try that.

You are now called Sora Abe. Deal with it.

You are still able to be killed by the Death Note if your real/old name is used.

Do not fall in love! (this is so that you will fall in love and it will be more dramatic. We need readers to stay for this somehow)

If you do not kill a person from a Death Note at least once a day you will die in this world and your own.

That's it. Should be easy. The Death Note anime plot will start today, and you can change the way it ends. Have fun. You should've picked something like Ouran Host Club instead. Sure you realize that now.

I snorted, rolling my eyes and slipped the letter in my bra. Having to hold back on not calling Light Imagay and getting a hold of the Death Note would be hard to do, but I'm sure I'd be able to do so. Maybe. No! I have to be cool in this anime universe! I have to be manipulative in order to get the Death Note from Light! Gotta be a badass anime character to do so. Gonna be so badass that I'd be waifu material.

I raised one fist in determination knowing the sun was shining down upon me and the end credits of the anime episode were rolling with me walking to school in the background.

I'd find Light Yagami, and get the Death Note. I wouldn't die like him. I'd use it right. I'd use it smartly to take out all the vermin of this world. 

Light x OC (Some L x OC) ENTERING DEATH NOTE UNIVERSEWhere stories live. Discover now