musty book scent

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thank you guys sm for 18k! I had stupid writers block for my original so I gave up for the night and just wrote this one hehe. It's a bit messy but I hope you like it :))

also look at this gorgeous mf gif right here holy shit!!


The books smell musty. Long ago they lost the new book scent, now they smell like dust and love. Some of these books are older than I am. No. Scratch that. They're all older than I am. I pick one up now, and blow on its cover. A cloud of dust comes flying off it, just like in the movies. I grin and flip through the pages, thanking my lucky stars I don't get hay-fever. 

"What you reading?"

The voice comes from behind me. I whip around and snap the book closed. Taron's charming smile is a few inches away from my own. I stumble backwards to regain my space, and he chuckles. 

I hold the book up for him to see. "I don't know, I just picked it up."

He nods, taking it from me and leafing absentmindedly through the pages. 

"What are you doing here then?" I smirk, leaning carefully against the shelves. "I didn't think you liked purchasing random old books."

"I took your advice, thought I'd check this place out."

I take the book back from him and carefully slide it back into it's spot on the shelf, immediately looking through the other ones. Taron comes along beside me and pretends to be interested in the leather bound covers of journals from many years ago. 

That's the thing I love about this store. They sell things you'll never be able to experience online. More than once I've bought diaries here, read stories of people from years ago, listened to their stories, their rantings, their messy scrawl when they just have to tell you what happened. 

I lift my hand to grab one now, but I'm met not by the cracked leather bounding, but Taron's hand, also reaching for it. It immediately retracts, and he smiles sheepishly at me. 

"Go ahead."


Even though I'm now holding the book, I can feel where our hands touched. It's like a spot of hot oil has touched me, leaving its mark upon my skin. Except the burn doesn't hurt, it feels warm and comforting, like your face might if you're sitting by the fire. 

To distract myself from this feeling, and the similar feeling that alights in my face, I open the journal to a random page and begin to read. 

january 16, 1903

Today he held my hand. To me, he might as well have kissed me right then and there, in front of the whole library. Just thinking about it now is making me flush. That boy is bold as ever, not caring what anyone thinks about us. He sure knows what he wants that boy. And even when he can see me bashfulness he still persists, knowing me, knowing I really love it. 

But I digress...

We were just sitting there, in the library, reading together, when he reached out to me. At first I thought he was trying to grab something else, an object of some sort, maybe he bookmark. But no, he just picked up my hand and held it in his. Kept right on reading he did, he didn't seem nervous or wary at all. He was utterly certain that he wanted to hold my hand. 

And when our hands connected I tell you, it was like a thousand shooting stars flying overhead. Like the very moment we touched there were sparks, and if we had tried we could possibly have started a small fire. And the feeling lingered long after we parted. I can feel it even now, hours later, as I write this all down. The feeling is warm, it feels like a part of him is still with me. 

And certainly a part of him still lingers in my mind. 

Certainly this feeling is what I've read about in my books. 


I snap the book closed once again, almost frightened by the words I read. 

Was that really all it took for her to know that she was in love? Is it really that simple? And what about the feeling she described? When their hands touched and she felt him on her still hours later. She felt his warmth even after they parted. 

Was that not what I just felt moments ago when Taron's fingers brushed mine? And that was far less than what the girl experienced. Those two held hands, ours only touched. For a split second. Less, even. 

"Good book?" Taron mutters, stepping closer to me to see the cover, like the leather will give him a clue as to what secrets are hidden within. 

"Yeah." I say, though it comes out as a sort of gasp. 

He is now close enough that his breath wafts onto my face, a few stray strands of my hair dancing with each puff. When he looks away from the book for a moment to stare into my eyes once again does my breath hitch in my throat. So obviously.

"How about I get it for you then?" 

I clutch it to my chest, above my heart. "No, that's fine. I couldn't."

But really I know damn well I can. Why do people always say that? It's obvious they want it, but politeness holds them back? As if it's impolite to accept a gift?

I shake my head and chuckle at myself. "You know what? I'd love that, thank you."

Taron smiles and takes the book from me, walking to the counter eagerly and purchasing it. I meet him at the door and he hands me the bag, our fingers brush again, but it doesn't scare me this time. I understand the warmth now. 

The girl in the book only spoke to me once, and already is having an impact on my life. Yet another benefit of coming to this lovely shop. 

Taron holds the door open for me. For a street or two we walk together, but then we reach a crossroads. 

"I'm left." I say sheepishly. 

"I'm right."

For a moment we stand there, not moving, neither of us wanting to leave first. It's like teenage couples not wanting to hang up first. It's stupid and it's pointless, and yet we still do it.

But then Taron grins, and gives me a small two fingered wave, walking backwards away from me. 

"Wasn't the best first date ever, next time will be." He winks. "See you Y/N!" 

And then he turns and runs down the street, away from the words he just left me with. I watch him run, his words run through my head a thousand times a second. 

Wasn't the best first date ever

Next time will be. 


the part where taron says the first date line actually happened to me once uWu

also if you have a request outstanding I'll do my best to get that done soon, sorry for the delay, school is bullshit lately I want to c r y ew

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