"You look good with glasses." (Harrison)

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"JESUS CHRIST!" Y/n hears, getting ready for the day.

The former stops what she is doing, and heads towards the bathroom. Y/n opens the door and finds her boyfriend, Harrison, hunched over the sink, taking something out of his eye.

"Are you okay?" She ask, standing there watching Harrison struggle to the highest degree.

He glances over at her, one eye completely bloodshot.

"I'm trying contacts for the first time," He quietly cries, "But it's not going the way I want it to."

Y/n continues to watch Harrison take out the contact lenses, throws them away, and puts the container in the drawer.

"What made you want to start wearing them?" Y/n questions, moving out the way and following Harrison to their bedroom, "I mean I'm not complaining, but--"

The latter snaps back around, facing the former, wearing the one thing he hated having.

"But what?" He asks, looking down at her.

Y/n sighs for a moment, thinking about what she wants to say next.

"It's...uh...y-you..." She stutters, her expression changing.

Y/n walks out of the room, leaving Harrison to himself.

"Hey, wait! What's wrong?" He calls out, following her into the living room, "Do you not me wearing contacts?"

Y/n glances at Harrison, her cheeks filling with the brightest shade of pink.

"It's just that...you look good with glasses," She quietly says, embarrassed by her reason.

"Aw, babe," Harrison replies, pulling y/n into his arms, "I was just testing them out. I don't think the universe wants me wearing them anyway."

The two laugh it out, still embraced in a hug.

If you like my glasses, then I'll like my glasses as well," Harrison says, rubbing y/n's back, "I'll do anything for my girl."

He kisses the top of her head, and the two of them continue the rest of their morning like any other day.

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