Chapter 8~Explain Yourself.

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Kokichi's POV:

What's taking him so long...I hope he knows that I meant my actual room...which I've been sitting in for nearly an hour. I picked the lock so I could get into my room, mostly because I wanted to get to my Panta stash and wanted to see if Shuichi messed with anything. All I saw were notes all over my floor, but other then that nothing was moved...I lean back in my chair, looking up at the ceiling. I hope he's okay...I can't believe Maki nearly killed him! Of course he initiated it, but still...what would've happened if he died in my body...?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear my door open, seeing my body walk through, "Sorry I'm late..." Shuichi says, closing my door, "Gonta took forever getting back..." I rolled my eyes. Of course it's Gonta's fault...why am I not surprised...I sigh some, "It's fine...have a seat Shuichi..." I say, sitting up in my chair and patting a spot on my bed.

"Ah...okay..." he says, walking over and sitting on my bed. Shuichi twiddles his thumbs, waiting for me to speak. I can tell that he looks nervous...he must know that this is gonna be a serious talk...I first stand up and take off Shuichi's jacket, making him confused. After I put down his jacket and sit back down, I scoot my chair closer, giving him a serious look, " need to explain yourself..." I say as I pull up his sleeve, showing his cuts to him.

Shuichis eyes widen some when he sees them, making him look down some, "I'm sorry...I guess I should've mentioned that to you..." he says with a bit of a sigh. "You think?! Do you know how shocked I was whenever I saw this?! Why would you hide something like this from everyone...? Your friends...?" I ask, putting the arm back down.

He fiddles with his thumbs again, "I didn't wanna burden anyone..." he says, keeping his eyes glued to his hands. Burden...? Why...? He had friends like Kaito, who would've been willing to help him...I sigh some, "You could've told space idiot...he's one of your closest friends here..." I say, making Shuichi shake his head. "No...he wouldn't understand..." he says, standing up and walking over to my whiteboard.

"Seriously?! Maybe he could if you would've just talked to him! You can't hide stuff like this Shuichi..." I say, making him bang his fist on the whiteboard and walk back towards me. "You shouldn't be saying anything like that to me! Your the king when it comes to hiding the truth! Mr. 'Supreme Leader'" Shuichi says, sounding angry, "I know about your DICE group and the fact that there's only ten members!"

I looked at him shocked. So...he did get my motive video...I was right. After the trial I actually went around and asked who got who's video, since the monokubs took them when it was over so we wouldn't show each other. Mine was...the only one no one had. Shuichi backs off some and turns away, "You lied about're hiding way more then I am, so why should I tell you anything when I know you'll never tell the truth..." he says, walking towards the door. Wait...he can't leave yet!

I stand up and take a breath. I know I'm about to strike a major nerve in him, it goes. "Your Uncle would want you to open up to someone instead of hiding your feelings and thoughts..." I say, making him stop in his tracks, "I know that he's helped you through so much, but I'm sure that he would want you to trust other people besides him..."

Shuichi turns back and looks at me, "How'd you know about my uncle...?" he asks, feeling a mix of confused and mad. I sigh some, "Kaito...showed me your motive video..." I say, making Shuichi rush back over to and look up at me. "Is he okay!? Did anything bad happen to him in the video!?" he asks, sounding very worried.

What am I supposed to tell him...your uncle is dying? If I say that he' have to tell him the truth...he needs to know...I look at him sadly. I swear...I'm not gonna let him deal with this alone. Even if we don't know each other very well, I'll try my best to make him trust me...even if it means breaking my mask...

Shuichi's POV:

After Kokichi told me about my uncle, I sat back down on his bed, looking down. I was speechless for a while...I just...couldn't believe it. My uncle is in a hospital...dying...what happened to him...? He never had any health problems...maybe it's a trick...? can't be a trick...maybe...someone did something to him...? I don't know...all I know is that...he's leaving me...I feel tears start to fall. Why...why did it have to be him...

Kokichi notices me, sighing some, "I'm sorry about your uncle...I know he means a lot to you..." he says making me look over at him. "He's the only family member that ever cared about me..." I say, looking back down, "He's...all I have..."

"No he's not." Kokichi says, confusing me some, "You have friends here that care about you too...especially Kaito..." I look back over at him, starting to get irritated again, "Maybe I did, but now I'm not me anymore...I'm you...and no one likes you here besides Gonta, who likes everyone!" I say, making Kokichi look down some. I realize what I said, making me suddenly panic.

"W-Wait! I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean-" I'm interrupted by Kokichi standing up, sighing some, "Your one here likes me,'s easier that way..." he says, walking away. Crap! I shouldn't have said that...I'm supposed to get along with him not put him down like that...I quickly stand up and grab his arm, "Please don't leave! I didn't mean it...I-I'm just...upset about everything..." I say, starting to break down some, "I'm so sorry Kokichi...please...don't leave..."

Kokichis eyes widen some, making him turn back around and pull me into a hug. It felt a bit awkward, since it's my own body hugging me, but I hugged back anyways. "Its okay...I know it's a lot to take in...I'd be the same if it was me..." he says, making me remember his motive video. Should I tell him...? I mean...he told me about mine... " don't have to tell me what happened to my DICE's probably best that I don't know..." Kokichi says as he lets me go, "Whatever happened to them, I know they'll pull through...and I'll get out of here so I can help them...~" he says with a small smile.

Can he read minds?! How did he know I was...whatever I'm not gonna think about it. What matters is...he really does care about them like family...~ This isn't the same Kokichi I fought with...the Kokichi I knew...would never try to comfort someone...or want to help anyone. I...want to see this Kokichi more then the other...~

Kokichi gives me a confused look, "Why are you staring at me like that...?" he asks, making me snap out of it. "Oh's nothing. I was just...surprised you huged me is all...~" I say with a slight laugh. He blushes some and faces away from me, "Don't...worry about was nothing..." he says, making me giggle some. "Well...I needed thank you...~" I say with a small smile. Kokichi looks back at me and nods, turning back towards the door.

Kokichi sighs some, "Shuichi...since I'm the reason you can't talk to any of your friends anymore...I'm gonna be the one you talk to...about everything...
and I promise that...I won't lie to you anymore..." he says, walking up to the door to leave. Kokichi stops when he opens the door, "I know you don't want me to leave yet, but it's already night time...and I have something I have to go do..." he says, looking back at me.

I stare at him surprised. I wasn't expecting him to say something like that...will...he keep that promise though...? I'm not sure, but...I'll have to take a chance with this..."O-Okay...~ Can...we meet somewhere tomorrow for breakfast...?" I ask curiously. Kokichi smiles some, "Sure, Don't forget to bring me a Panta~" he says with a bit of a laugh before closing the door.

I roll my eyes some. Of course he'd want me to get a Panta for him...I think he has an addiction...~ I laugh to myself some and lay down. I hope he keeps his promise to me...this'll be a great way for us to learn about each other...~ Maybe we'll...even change back...~ I sigh some and close my eyes. I won't worry about it right now...what I should worry about is my uncle...I have to figure a way out of here so I can see him again...I have to see him. I need to somehow end this killing game...

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