Chapter 51: League of Poor Students (28)

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Ming Shu pushed away all the stuff on the table, totally looking like an evil boss. "Buy something else for me!"

Cheng Yan took a deep breath. "Mengmeng, I can hear your stomach growling. It's fine if you want to order me around, but you shouldn't harm your own body."

She would never touch the food he had prepared for her personally. If he intended to order takeout, he had to discuss with her the whole time! Even when the takeout was laid out on the table, she wouldn't touch it until she was on the brink of starvation. What an odd lady!

But what could he do?

The only thing he could do was spoil her!

Ming Shu placed her hands over her empty stomach, staring at the food on the table and licking her lips. Finally she picked up the chopsticks and began eating.

For the whole summer, Cheng Yan was tortured almost to the point of doubting his life. But he would never give up. As a real man, he believed, he had to be persistent.

"The new school term is starting in a few days. Do you want to buy anything?"


"Let's go out and have some fun, maybe you'll see some interesting things to buy?" Cheng Yan insisted on making an effort.


Cheng Yan was rejected pitilessly yet again. I'm not giving up! he roared inside. Thinking for a little while, he dialed Ye Miaomiao's number.

Later, Ming Shu got a call from Ye Miaomiao upon finishing the food. Before Ming Shu opened her mouth, an impatient and excited voice emerged from the other side: "Mengmeng, Mengmeng, that Jing Fu Restaurant introduced new dishes recently, let's go have a taste!"

Ming Shu swallowed the "no" and asked, "When?"

"I'll come to your house later!"


The minute Ming Shu hung up the phone, a text message came to Cheng Yan's phone— Nailed.

Cheng Yan fell silent. This method didn't work for him. He had already tried to induce her with delicious food, but she always seemed to have extremely strong self-control when faced with food he offered her.

When on earth had he displeased her?

When the two girls went out together, Cheng Yan followed them shamelessly. He was really abandoning all his dignity!

"Mengmeng, it's still early, why don't we go shopping?" Ye Miaomiao suggested on their way to the Jing Fu Restaurant. "You've spent all your time staying at home, that's too unhealthy! You need some fresh air, what do you say? Let's do it!"

But meeting Ming Shu's smiling eyes, Ye Miaomiao sensed danger at once. She smiled back fawningly. "No, no, let's forget about that."

Mengmeng's smile was getting scarier and scarier now...

"There are new movies playing recently, perhaps we can go to see a movie?" Cheng Yan seized a chance to speak.

"Great, great!" Ye Miaomiao agreed immediately. "Mengmeng, are you going?"

"No," Ming Shu refused. She set her sights on the street out of the car window.Only couples would go to places like a movie theater, why would I go there? Who knows what this goblin Cheng Yan wants to do to me? she wondered.

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