Edd's wisdom

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I spent the next two days playing the scene over and over in my head. Tord denied hugging me and without thinking about it I revealed I knew exactly what he was calling me. He stormed out of the kitchen without reacting and has been ignoring me ever since. Edd and Matt were confused, they could tell this wasn't just another one of our usual arguments. They tried asking me what was happening, but I was just as confused as they were. Probably more confused.

Tord avoided me and the situation like the plague. He wouldn't budge, not even to Edd or Matt. I overheard them asking him, but he just refused to speak on it and locked himself in his room. He wouldn't even purposely bump into me in the hallway or mess with the settings on the toaster. I was at a loss for what to do. No matter how much we've fought, he has never ignored me for more than a couple hours. It didn't make any sense. While it's easy to annoy and frustrate him, he doesn't usually get angry easily. Especially so angry that he commits to a vow of silence. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed him making fun of me. I missed fighting him. And even worse, I think I just missed him. The silence was worse that any insult that he could dish out.

No matter how hard I analyzed the situation, I could not wrap my head around it. I only succeeded in giving myself headaches. All I did was translate his word for me. Why did that make him angry? Or did he get just bored of making fun of me when his first method backfired?

I groaned into my pillow and kicked my legs in frustration. I spent most of my time during Tord's two day silence in bed moping. Physically, I was feeling fine. I was recovering from my illness and I could breathe through my nose. But emotionally, I have never felt worse. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. The tension in the house was so thick it was almost tangible, everyone could feel it.

Eventually, my mind settled enough to allow me to sleep. And suddenly I was in the kitchen again.

"Huh, I don't remember walking here..." I muttered to myself. I felt a presence behind me, and I turned around to see Tord. He was staring at me, and I suddenly realized I couldn't speak. He reached out to me and grabbed the front of my hoodie and I flinched, unable to move either. I expected him to push me, but suddenly he pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his warmth and heartbeat as I started to cling to him. I sighed, breathing him in when I was distracted by an out of place sound. A woodpecker? Why would there be a woodpecker in the kitchen? The sound happened again, and the scene in front of me started to fade as I tried to hold on tighter to the Norsk.

I woke up alone in bed. I sat up and cursed. Of course it was only a dream. I began feeling disappointed until I fully realize exactly what I had been dreaming about, and my face flushed. Before I could slap myself for it, I heard knocking at my door. I sighed and removed myself from bed, getting up to answer it. It better have been good. As much as I hate myself for it, I was enjoying the dream. It made me feel weird though, knowing it'd never happen in real life. I shook my head hard as if to expel the thoughts before opening the door.

Edd was standing in the hallway, bottle of Smirnoff in hand.

"Hi Tom!" He smiled wide, just as cheery as always. "Brought you something." He pushed past me and into my room, placing the bottle on my desk before belly flopping onto my bed.

"Why?" I asked, closing my door and raising my eyebrow at him skeptically. Edd was a great guy, but he wasn't one to give gifts when there was no occasion. Or when he didn't want something.

"Can't a guy treat one of his best friends to one of his favorite things for no reason?" He batted his eyelashes, giving me wide eyes and an innocent smile. When I kept staring at him suspiciously and didn't respond he sighed and sat upright. "I want to know what happened with Tord." He said, suddenly serious. I let out a loud groan and threw myself onto the bed next to him, nearly knocking him over. When I didn't say anything else, he spoke. "That's why I brought this. He reached out to grab the Smirnoff. "What you can't say sober you will say drunk!" He smiled innocently. I stared up at him for a moment, knowing he was right. I decided not to argue. What was there to lose?

Swear words and pet names (Tomtord)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat