27 -Face hell

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Janvi pov

A week rolled existing without doing any work. I am at home as he told me not to go to work, he hired some new assistant in my post.

From that incident, he never talked to me, did not eat the food made by me, not even give me a glimpse. He is always with Mila.

She is the one who cooks for him and is with him all the moment. Whenever we are at the same place all he does is glare at me like I stole his money and ran away.

It hurts me to see them too close to each other.

Wanting some fresh air, I went out to the park near our house.

I changed into my oversized t-shirt with a jacket over it. I went there on a walk. The breeze is so cold as it doesn't seem like midday.

I rubbed my hands to produce some heat and placed them on my cheek.

I went inside the park. It's a large park with multiple play areas for children and many small ponds there. Even thieves can conceal in this place.

I walk deep inside as it's too calm as I keep on walking. Someone patted my shoulder, I turned to see Vihaan with a smile on his face.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Just came to see you," he said shrugged his shoulder.

"Why do you want to see me? If you want to see me if I am fine. Then, I am fine. Go now"

"Cool Janvi, cool"

"To hell with your cool, because of you Adith lost his project, why can't you win the project yourself, Mr Choudary. Are you that brainless to steal others' ideas?" I literally yelled at him.

"I don't need the project, Mrs Dev"

I am shocked by hearing from him. Did he know I am married to Adith?

"Yes Janvi I know that you are married to him," he said as he read my thoughts.

"Don't worry I won't reveal your identity"

"Then why did you steal it?"

"I will not leave your husband for the deeds you did Mrs Janvi. I know you love him a lot. But be ready to face me. I won't even touch you, but I will kill him in front of your eyes inch by inch not by taking his soul" he winked at me.

"What are you saying? What did I do to you?"

"I am not answerable to you Janvi, but you will face hell until then live your life happily in hell"

he laughed in an evil manner and walked away.

What is he talking about?

I had never harmed anyone.

What did I do wrong to him as he is vengeful to destroy the person who hasn't done anything?I won't let happen anything to Adith, I will protect him with my life.

Call me stupid but I will not let him suffer.

Even with my death, I will not let anything happen to my love, to my Adith.

Let's see Mr. Vihaan.

Note: next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow (07.01.2021)

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