A big brother

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Sitting on your bed you had continued to read some of the stories Terrance had let you borrow. He stayed his distance from you the rest of the day which.... was rather disappointing, you were enjoying your time with him as much as you hated to admit it. You started the next day, however. After eating breakfast and sneaking Harper some food to eat as well you started reading the book that you read to Terrance the day before. So here you were all by yourself, it was a very nice autumn day outside and you found it a shame that you couldn't go out to enjoy it. If anything it would be nice to talk to Harper to pass the time. You really didn't find it fun to sit in that laundry room however, Harper had been stuck in that room for over two days now. You couldn't help but feel bad and wished he could at least lay down on a couch or bed, but with the cameras that would be very hard. Thankfully he had found ways to sneak into the kitchen and bathroom without getting noticed on the devices, still, it was very risky.

You stared blankly at the pages, your thoughts overcoming your sensation to read. That's when it hit you, you slammed the book shut and delicately placed it on your bed. You knew the laundry room was next to your room and the walls couldn't be too thick. So sitting on the floor next to your bed you knocked on the wall. You adjusted your seating position a bit as you waited for a response. After a few moments though.

Knock knock...

You smiled with the reply and spoke up, "Harper? Can you hear me?"

"Barely, could you try speaking up?" His muffled voice came through the wall well enough to understand him and you grew quite happy with your idea.

Chuckling you replied, "Yeah, sorry about that! It's getting kinda boring around here huh?"

You heard him hum in agreement on the other side of the wall. "Ever since those cameras got to put up I've been bored out of my mind."

You had to agree with that. "So what do you wanna talk about?"

Although you couldn't see it, Harper's eyes widened in surprise,  he grew a soft smile as he ran his eyes through the room, trying to find something to talk about. "Well let's talk about you." He suggested, "We talked a lot about me yesterday."

You sat your back against the wall, getting comfortable to hold a potentially long conversation. "Well I moved here a couple of years ago, I'm hoping to get into graphic design with some sort of makeup company."

Harper grunted in understanding.

"Although it started out slow I eventually made my way to a good enough position in my previous job, I feel like I had a good footing in the industry." You grew quiet which made Harper, who was in a relaxed state previously, puzzled, growing concerned by your continued silence he spoke up. "And?"

You shook your head back into reality, "Well your brother helped me quit my old job to pursue a better opportunity. It looks like that opportunity is gone though, also help from your brother."

Harper was fully engaged now, "Is that what you were talking about earlier? The artist?"

"Yeah..." sighing you rested your chin on the palm of your hand.

"Why that...." Harper's fist grew tighter in anger, hearing you sad over anything was already something he was displeased with, but hearing it was caused by his difficult brother made him all the angrier. "He thinks he can just do whatever he wants." Harper scowled, lifting his back from the wall and flinging himself back onto it in annoyance. With that the two of you noticed drywall fly off the wall. Shocked you turned around and saw a small crease went along the area all the drywall took off from. The seams put together made what seemed to be a small square, just enough for someone to squeeze through.

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