Bad luck

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The rider growls, but he is unable to do much more with a holy spear stuck through his chest, that would scare y/n to.

"Stand down rider"

"Never "

He laughs but feels something, damnit kid not now! Zarathos was forced back as y/n took back control, the rider due to his injuries was not strong enough to fight it off

Y/n yanked the spear out before he was completely normal again

He coughed up blood and felt a sudden chill as a tuck black mist formed around them


The head mistress stood over them blazingly angrily her shadowy body smoking

The girls were murmuring, rider, monster, freak

He didn't care at the moment because he was about to pass out, the rider took it's painful toll every time, he hated when it happened

"I-I-I'm so s-sorry "
He got out as they look at him

The head mistress looks at him,
"Get him to the medbay then to my office when he is better, we will have a talk y/n"

Y/n couldn't answer as he puked then passed out, the head mistress sighs and looks at the girls

"You take him to the medbay"
She pointed at one of the argent d'nur girls

She nods and picked him up

The head mistress looks at the rest of them
"Now I will get to the bottom of this, because if he's a rider he will have to be watched more closely, and if I find anyone trying to kill him for being a rider or provoking him then your ass will be in worse trouble than his"

She floated back to her office
"I hate this "
She pulls out her flask that she has full of wine and swig


Lector was meeting with a few other teachers
"You know why I called you here"

"The rider"
Answered the arcane magic teacher
"What are we gonna do about him?"

"We'll have to make sure he doesn't hurtour girls, if he does, we kill him"

Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now