Partners In Crime (4)

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Valerie Gauthen

As I made my way back into the lively department, the weight of Christina's confession about her involvement with an associate of the organization that held strings over New Providence like a puppet lingered in my mind. The long corridor echoed with every click of my heels, increasing to the sensation of hurry that pushed me ahead. In spite of everything, I caught sight of Detective Mitchell coming out of his office before approaching me ; my lips couldn't help but curl upwards.

The beautiful, slyly gleaming eyes of Detective Mitchell drew us closer together. "Hey Valerie. it is as if I don't see you anymore," he greeted, his voice a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "Any progress on the case?" The slight intensity of his stare served as a closure to the words that hung in the air.

With a heavy sigh escaping my lips, I watched Detective Mitchell's eyes locked onto mine as he matched his stride to mine. We walked side by side, the urgency of our conversation fueling our steps. "It seems that Christina Rossi, Giovanni's wife," I began, my voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and disbelief, "had a forbidden affair with an associate of the Salvatore family."

Detective Mitchell's attitude shifted abruptly, his confident stride faltering for a moment as he raised a quizzical eyebrow. The expression on his face was complicated as shock and amusement blended together. He snorted, his tone of skepticism clear in his words, "An affair?" His eyes narrowed as he wondered the depths of dishonesty inside my investigation before his severe intelligence quickly digested the consequences of this information.

My footsteps slowed as I approached my office door, and shifted to face Detective Mitchell, pressure written into my features. I leaned against the doorframe; my voice laced with frustration as I shared the latest developments.

"Yes, and she won't give me any further specifics unless it's about her disastrous love affair," I explained, my words tinged with a mixture of disappointment and understanding. "Moreover, she strongly refuses to cooperate unless she has legal representation present and sadly, we also lack the legal power and resources of the FBI to force her participation so for now, it's a dead end,"

"Well, the tangled web of secrets and affairs in this town never ceases to amaze me," Detective Mitchell's playful remark drew a warm laugh from deep within me, momentarily alleviating the weight of the investigation that rested upon my shoulders. His wide smile mirrored the mischievous glint in his eyes, a testament to his ability to find humor amidst the darkness.

I made an automatic effort to gather myself by reaching up to tuck a loose curl behind my ear. Detective Mitchell's smile faded somewhat as his lighthearted attitude slowly changed to one of more serious worry. "Let's hope this case doesn't lead us down the path of organized crime because that would be a sticky situation," he commented, his words carrying cautiousness. My spine tingled at the thought of a link to the mob.

"I'm just praying it's not," I replied. With a brief glance at my office door, I pressed my hand against the cool doorknob, ready to sink myself once again in the pursuit of justice.

Detective Mitchell shortened our conversation, creating a physical distance between us as he began to stroll away. "I'll see you around, good luck with the case," he offered me goodbye, his voice trailing off as he moved further down the busy hallway.

As I watched him retreat, a sense of emptiness settled upon me, and my shoulders slumped along with my once vibrant smile. The brief moment of friendship was quickly overshadowed by the weight of the harsh reality I faced.

Returning my focus to the intimidating task at hand, a wave of frustration threatened to overwhelm me. My every thought was chewed by the case's inactivity, as if it were mocking my efforts. Every step forward seemed like negotiating an impossible maze since there was so little evidence to support it.

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