Chapter 12-Training with the Demon King

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It's been exactly one hundred seven days since Xiu Xiang had fallen into a spiritual cave. Even without food, she couldn't die since her body was constantly soaking up the dense spiritual energy. Most of the injuries on her skin had healed. She could tell because she felt every single one of the injury repair itself. Even her old scars were healing over.

The issue she was having at the moment was her bones. Every single bone in her body had shattered from the impact but it was slowly bit by bit repairing itself and it hurt like crazy as each tiny piece reattached itself. She would reel from the pain only to faint and end up in her unconscious state.

Eventually, she learned to stay within her unconsciousness mind where the stupid Demon King forced her to do body training every day.

"Come on! It's been over one hundred days and you've only managed to stand up?" the Demon King shot out. He munched on one of the peaches he had pulled off the trees.

"You try standing up with four hundred pounds attached to your body!" she retorted.

He clicked his tongue at her as he got up to his feet. With a snap of his fingers, Xiu Xiang saw golden shackles appear on his wrists and ankles.

"Each shackle weighs five hundred pounds," he told her. He jumped and twirled in the air before landing gracefully behind her.

"Show off," she spat as she watched him stick his landing with his arms stretched out. He grinned and walked back to the spot under the blossom tree.

"Of course, it did take me several hundred years, but we got all the time in the world, don't we?" the Demon King joked as he plopped back down on the ground to eat his peach again.

He was right about that which scared Xiu Xiang. She was deathly scared that she was going to go insane before she escaped this hellhole.

"Alright. Enough resting and start walking," she heard the Demon King say suddenly. Xiu Xiang felt a tug at her wrists and she instantly face planted onto the ground again.

"That hurt!"

Two years had passed since Xiu Xiang started body training. Even with the restraints on her, she could now run, jump, and climb.

Her latest challenge: scaling the tallest mountain.

"You know I really hate you," Xiu Xiang muttered as she struggled to breathe. Her entire body felt like jelly as she made it three-quarters of the way up the mountain. The Demon King was practically floating alongside her.

"My dearest disciple. This is all for your own good," he whined.

At some point in time during the first year of spending her life with the Demon King, she had given up her protest of denying him as her master. She figured that no matter how much she hated him, she had to admit that his training was doing some good. She's never felt this strong before and he was doing way more than her first master ever did.

Her only issue with the bastard was that every single one of training was excessive and to the extreme.

When she first started out, it was merely walking. Then he expected her to run. Then it was swimming. Then lifting boulders.

Each training felt worse than the last.

Sometimes, she wondered if he was merely doing this to pull her leg, but she pulled through with every training and grew stronger with time. Now she's scaling mountains.

Xiu Xiang heaved as she struggled to intake air. She was almost to the top but was rapidly losing her grip on the cliffside that she had been scaling. Her master had promised to take off the shackles on her if she made it to the top.

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