Chapter 20

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2 days later
I ain't been home in 2 days, I miss angelic I wonder what she was doing right now, and she better not have that nigga in my house...I'll kill her and him and bury they ass right next to each other, I don't got no way to get in touch with her, if I knew that i was gonna destroy her phone I would have bought some house phones😭 I'll just send meeko over to check on her ass, I pulled my phone out and texted him.

Meeko's pov
I was at home chilling in my bed when August texted me telling me that he needed me to go check on Angelic, I sucked my teeth I don't like her ass, I text him back and put my pants and shoes on and headed to my car.

Angelic's pov
I was at home waiting for Deshae to come over so we can watch a movie and chill, I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn when there was a knock at the door

"That was quick" I said to myself

I opened the door and deshae came in and hugged me.

"Wassup lic" he said

"Hey" I said closing the door

Deshae's pov
Okay man I'm not even finna sit here and cap...Angelic was looking fine in them shorts, I've always had a thing for angelic but I put it aside because of the situation she's in, she don't need a boyfriend right now she needs help first, I was brought out of my thoughts by her asking me a question.

"Huh?" I said

"What do you like on your popcorn" she said laughing a lil

"Oh, just butter and salt" I said

"Plane Jane" She said giggling

She put her popcorn in the microwave and gave me my bowl when there was a knock at the door.

"You invited someone else" I asked

"No" she said

Angelic's pov
I went to the door and answered it, it was heart sank what was he doing here, if he see deshae he's gonna tell August.

"August not here right now, but I'll tell him you stopped by" I said trying to close the door until he stopped it.

"I know that, he sent me over here to check on you" he said coming in

"Well I'm fine see now you can go" I said smiling

He looked at me

"Move, I ain't come all the way over here to peek in and dip...I'm chilling for a minute, what you making I'm hungry " he said pushing past me making his way to the kitchen

"Nothing, I made popcorn earlier, the smell just haven't went away" I said trying to stop him

He stopped in his tracks and looked down at me

"Who here?" He asked

"What?...nobody's here" I said

He grabbed me by my hair and brung my face to his

"Imma ask you one more time, who is here" he growled

"Ddd nnobody" I said stuttering

He used my hair to throw me on the ground I screamed as he sped walked into the kitchen

"Meeko there's nobody here" I said screaming

But it was too late he walked in the kitchen and there stood deshae

"Who the fuck are you" He asked

"Deshae" He said

"Ohhhh deshae I heard about you...why the fuck you here" he said pulling his gun out pointing it at deshae

"Meeko stop, he just here to watch a movie with me" I said fear running threw my body

"Right man chill out" deshae said surrendering

"Get the fuck before I repaint the kitchen with your blood" Meeko said pointing the gun at him still

Deshae came from around the island and Meeko walked him out with the gun still to him...I watch as deshae left and Meeko slammed the door, he came back to me and slapped me hard, I fell to the ground and tears began to form.

"Are you fucking dumb, you must love getting your ass beat by August" he said pulling his phone out

"What are you doing?" I said as tears fell.

"I'm bout to call August and tell him what you did" he said

"Please don't tell August, he's going to murder me" I said fearful

"Man yo dumb ass should have thought about that before you had him here" he said putting the phone to his ear

"Nooooo please, I'll do anything just don't tell him" I said knowing I'm going to regret it later

"Word?" He said canceling the call

"Y yes" I said looking down

He came to me and lift my head with his finger, he brought his lips to my ear.

"You already know what type a time I'm on" he said gripping my neck.

"Meeko, please something else" I said feeling more tears forming

"It's either that or I tell August" he said

I looked at him then at the floor, I looked up then back at him

"O-okay, I'll do it" I said wiping my tears

He smiled

"C'mon" He said going upstairs to my room

Deshae's pov
I can't believe this shit, he didn't even have to pull his gun out on me, he must've been one of August's goons...what's up with these people do they hate seeing angelic happy, she can't never get a break...but Ik what I need to do.

Angelic's pov
Meeko pushed me onto my bed I looked at him tears still coming, he admired me while rubbing his hands together, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a condom

"Take off your clothes" he said

I began slowly taking off my clothes my tears become more heavy and my eyes started to burn

"FASTER" he said

I jumped from his deep voice, I hurried and stripped down to my underwear and bra, I looked up at him and he was smirking at me rubbing his member he took his pants off and put on the condom, he got on top of me and began kissing on my neck, he started to get rough and bite me I winsed in pain

"Ouch" I said

"Shut up" He said opening my legs

"I been waiting for this" he growled in my ear before entering hard

"Ouch, Meeko" I said putting my hands on his torso

"Stop" He said grabbing my arms and pinning them to the bed with one hand

He started pumping really hard and fast I layed there and cried while he finished what he was doing, i don't know why but I honestly wish Chris was here to stop him.

Omg I feel so bad for Angelic😔

Question: If you were in the same situation that Angelic is in how would you handle it?

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