B2: Chapter 21 - A Return to Form - V

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  "So explain this to me," Jeremy started. They were sitting in the lobby while one of Courtney's assistants went off to extricate her from the fundraiser—because she's always holding a fucking fundraiser... "How'd they print millions of copies, ship 'em out all over the country, and no one read the thing?"

  Maddie swallowed down the chips she was munching on before answering. "Well, who's gonna believe it?"

  "There had to be a bunch of people working on it, right?"

  "It's a pretty minimalist cover," said Rachel, "so they didn't need a designer, and the rest of the process could have assumed it was just a work of fiction. The editors were obviously in on it, and I'm sure that as soon as it was announced to be genuine, every shipment was already under strict lock and key."

  Jeremy shrugged. He was just making idle conversation. Waiting for Courtney to show up had him fidgeting impatiently. He felt like he needed to be doing something, but he couldn't really think of what that might be. At least Rachel seems to know what she's doin'.

  "Oh, for fuck's sake!" Jeremy growled, getting to his feet. The assistant had returned, an apologetic smile plastered across his dumb face. He didn't make it halfway across the hall before Jeremy was right up in his face. "You told her it was her brother and sister?"

  "Yes, I—"

  "National security concerns?"

  "Exactly as you—"

  "Opportunity of a fuckin' lifetime?"

  Maddie shook her head. "Jere-bear, he didn't even talk to her. Did'ya?" she added, cocking her head to the side.

  Reluctantly, the aide shook his head.

  "Well if she can't come t'us, we're goin' to her," Maddie finished cheerfully. "Rachel, you coming?"

  Rachel sighed. "Yes."

  Jeremy grinned as they swept past the hapless assistant. The poor guy wasn't about to get in the way of the Ashe siblings, or the willowy tower of a girl following in their wake. They bounded up the wide marble staircase, two at a time, and headed straight past the men standing at the door and into the party.

  Boring-ass party, Jeremy sighed as soon as they'd walked in. He'd expected nothing less from a political fundraiser—but even by those standards, it was so stately and refined that he felt like firing his gun into the air for the hell of it, just so there was something happening.

  Of course, their arrival had already caused a stir. It helped that their attire was completely out of place. The fundraiser was mostly black-tie formal wear. While Maddie was at least wearing a business suit, Rachel was dressed in a long dress that clearly didn't fit her right, and Jeremy had on a windbreaker with his pistol visibly holstered at his side, right next to his badge.

  'Bout time I can finally work as myself again... More or less.

  "Where is she?" whispered Rachel, as more and more heads began to flick towards them.

  Maddie stood up on her toes, peering over the crowd. "Table in the corner. She's the one gladhanding the guy who looks like a mob boss."

  "...She's your sister?"

  "Takes after her father," Jeremy shrugged.

  "In personality, too," added Maddie. "Come on, Rachel." She seized Rachel's hand and started pulling her away, weaving through the crowd and tables like a professional. Jeremy did his best to keep up, nearly running over a few curious onlookers that stood up to greet them. The buzz in the room was growing. He doubted anyone actually recognized Rachel, but he and Maddie had both been on the news more than enough.

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