There's A Boy in my Bed - 21

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"Pick anything off the menu.  My shout Sunshine."  A blush spreads across my cheeks as my eyes peek over the menu sheet, stealing swift glances at Elliot's gorgeous face - his pupils skimming over the breakfast options.

My silent admiration is interrupted by the arrival of our waitress, a loose lock of blond hair tangling between her fingers - her perky boobs suffocated by a t-shirt 3 sizes too small.  She bats her eyelashes towards Elliot, his eyes continuing to scroll the menu - even the sight of him can make complete strangers faun over him.  I let out a faint cough, her eyes not pulling away from Elliot - paying no attention to me.

"I'll have the Golden Pancakes please."  I utter, her eyes flutter out of a daze, flicking towards me as they narrow into a pointed glare.  She sweeps her eyes over my body, her red stilettos accentuating her height - her eyes connecting with mine - scary.  She scribbles down my order in her notepad before directing her attention back to Elliot, his body a flytrap for her gaze.  She's  stuck;  hungry;  enticed.

"And what do you want baby cakes?"  She leans over slightly, smothering Elliot's vision with her breasts.  His eyes flick over to me, a small grin forming as he shuffles closer to the wall.  He bites his lip as he looks over her, boosting her confidence with his shower of optical admiration - his slow gaze taking in every inch of her body.

"I'll have the same as him please, Sweety."  His nickname for her rolling off the tip of his tongue like a water droplet off of a leaf.  Was he just flirting with her, or, is he just naturally charming?  With a wink and a smirk, she twirls and struts off.

He notices my furrowed brows and internal dilemma, sliding his hand across the table and laying it on top of mine - his gleaming eyes met by my somewhat forced smile.

"Don't worry Sunshine.  I was just playing."  The chuckle at the end of the sentence lightens the mood, our conversation fading into chatter.

"So do you got like siblings?  Or like step siblings or something?"  My desire inspiring the question, steering the conversation.  He sighs in response, rubbing his hands together as his eyes glide out the window - glossing over.

"Um.  I have 3 sibling, and I'm the legal guardian for them because, um -"  A drizzle starts to form outside as the conversation dims into a sombre mood.  "My parents crashed during a thunderstorm, and I had to step up and take on the burden.  So that's my depressing life story."  His avoiding gaze casts the table into silence, the pitter pattering of the rain drops filling the void.

"I'm sorry."  The whisper barely leaves my lips, his eyes finally reconnecting with mine.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault."  He cups my hand in reassurance - our connected gaze refilling the warmth in his face.  The sentimental embrace is interrupted by the clambering heels of our waitress, her stride approaching near and fast - Elliot's hand retreating as he shrugs back in his chair.

"Here's your boys' pancakes."  She places the plates down on the table, her eyes still stuck to Elliot - his eyes too busy staring at his food.  "And there's also this..."  She places a napkin on the table, her number written across it, Elliot unable to miss it as she pushes it closer, his eyes snapping up to hers - his emotions unreadable, perhaps a hint of desire?

"Um, I don't think my boyfriend would be alright with me taking some girl's number."  Her jaw drops to the floor, simultaneously with mine at that;  his answer eradicating her seductive gaze.  She rolls her eyes, pulls her tits back and storms away to the kitchen - the clacking of her heels fading away as we fall into a silence.  Did he just call me his boyfriend?  My throat tightens as he bites his bottom lip, a confident smirk stretching across his mouth.

"I was just joking Sunshine.  No need to look so shocked;  I just had to get her and her Double D's out of my face - that's all. "  He lets out a small chuckle, oblivious to the effect his 'joke' just had on me.  Imagine if I got to dangle him on my arm and call him mine...what a fantasy.  "Anyways, eat up because I'm hella tired."  His husky voice commands before he starts eating.


"Fuck.  That's some heavy rain.  I'm drenched."  Elliot says as we walk inside his house, the closing of the front door sealing away the tumultuous winds of outside, the heated hallway a contrast against the pouring rain.  

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