chapter 17

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There's blood everywhere. My hands and knuckles are covered in blood from knocking the door , my nails are broken . I know the baby's gone. My gown is covered in blood. There's so much blood on the floor , on the walls , it's making me gag. I don't know how long it has been but it feels as if I've been waiting forever.

I sob seeing the blood. Everything's gone now. Posie , the baby. William and his mom took everything from me. I want to go out and walk on the grass while the wind whips my face making my hair fly everywhere. Even If I can't do it , I picture myself outside , free of everything, nothing to worry about.


There is blood everywhere when I open the door to the basement room. When I see that Amelia's gown is soaked in blood, my heart stops.

I shake her but she doesn't even stir. She is unconscious . I slap her lightly on the face but she still doesn't wake up. I don't want to assume the worst. I lightly place my palm on her stomach but it just doesn't feel right. My face is wet with tears. I don't want anything to happen to my child. I will do anything to save him.


I've waited for almost an hour but the doctors still won't tell me anything. I just want the baby to be alright. I can't lose another child. When the doctor finally comes outside, I can tell that there's no good news.

" I'm sorry but we couldn't save the baby, It was a boy. There was a very little chance that the baby would have survived and even if we would have saved the baby , the mother was in danger. I'm sorry for your loss"

As soon as the doctor left , I broke down. I sat on the chair and sobbed . I didn't want to think about it but deep down I knew that it was my fault. I left her there alone, there was so much blood on her hands , she must have tried to get out , to break the door.

I didn't want to take the blame though, I felt anger surge through me and I don't know why I pushed the door to her room and strided towards her. She was asleep, her hands were covered in bandages , her bones were sticking out of her body. She is so thin , no one can tell that she was pregnant just minutes before.

I sat on the small chair besides her bed and just gazed at her. I don't know for how long I sat there but her eyes slowly opened. She tried to sit up but her face scrunched in pain and she groaned. Her eyes were wide and she frantically looked around. When her eyes landed on me , she freezed.

" Wh.. where's?" She started but she moved her hand on the stomach and one after another tears started falling.

" Its.. it's your fault! My baby died because of you ! It's your fault " she screamed.

" You know what the doctor said? They said your body couldn't take it ! It's your fault the baby died . Look how thin you are , the baby wasn't getting any food"

Her eyes filled with tears as I said those things. They were lies but I just wanted to push the blame on her.

" You had two miscarriages before Posie and that too was your fault. You are not made to be a mom. You don't deserve a fucking child " I continued

" wasn't my fault " she cried

I rush out of the door. I feel terrible. Her face when I said those words . I can never get it out of my head.


The doctors say that they have to talk to Amelia because of the marks and bruises on her body. I have never been so terrified in my life. I know Amelia will tell them the truth.

There are two cops in the room with her asking her questions. Once they are done I can see her.

They come out after a few minutes and give me a nod. I hesitantly go in her room. Her eyes are closed but when she hears the door open she jumps and looks around. Her eyes gets wide when she sees me standing there but after a few seconds she goes back to sleeping.

" Did you tell them? " I ask her

She doesn't answer

" Did you tell them Amelia?" I ask her loudly but she still doesn't answer.

" It was a boy" she says

" I know "

" You said it's my fault ! But you were the one who sent shocks through me. I was pregnant then when you did those horrible things to me , when you fucking raped me and you blame me . You are a coward"

" Shut up ! Shut the fuck up " I scream at her

" It's not my fault ! I did everything I could. I couldn't get out of there . You locked me in there and I was laying in that blood for hours. I saw my gown getting red and I couldn't do anything about it. I held him . He looked just like you but you know what? A part of me was happy that he didn't have to look up to a monster like you. That he didn't have to call a person like you his dad"

" You.. you saw him? They let you hold him?"

" Yes. I already asked them to bury him."

" Did you tell them about the abuse?"

" I.. w.." before she could say anything , her face fell back, her eyes rolled behind her head and she started shaking violently "

I screamed at the nurses for help. She was having a seizure. They pushed me out of the room and closed the door. All I could do was wait outside. My mind was swirling with different thoughts.

I lost everything in a span of few months. If only Amelia didn't kill Posie everything would have been normal.

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