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© 2014 SilverStream22. All Rights Reserved.

I took down the A/N because it would be interupting the flow of the story.

"WE SWARM" The Glitch Mob

Enjoy ~



"Welcome," Lorena muttered. "to my living hell."

I raised an eyebrow. "Still haven't changed, I see."

She scoffed and led me through the back of the Bed Bath and Beyond, keeping away from the items. "I still remember when I got lost in here." She shuddered at the thought, combing through her fiery red hair. "Worst experience ever."

I swiftly dodged a child, carefully not to let the little one hit my legs.

I felt Lorena's eyes on me, sharp and analyzing as ever. "I see your fear isn't as dominating as before. What changed?"

Avoiding her gaze, I pulled my hands out of my pockets to open the door to the manager's office.

"Orion." I shook my head, finding a place against the wall as we waited for our guest. "I still can't get what he said out of my mind."

Lorena took a seat in the red chair, glancing up at me. "You can't let that fear control you, Stark. You have a mate now- your true mate."

I sharpened my glare. "Don't act as if you haven't commited the same crime I have,"

She sent a miffed look, crossing her arms. "I'd hardly call it a crime. Ramon and I had Iris after Kyros died. Whereas you skipped right to marriage and family before even considering the feelings that your mate would be going through." her voice had softened into the scolding, guilty one that I was all too familiar with. "Can you imagine what the poor girl is going through? Knowing that the one made for her and only her...had a wife? A child?"

I closed my eyes, wishing that Liston Bright would pick up his pace before I painted the walls of his office with Lorena's blood. "I know that, believe me I do. But back then-"

She held up her hand in a similar fashion to Katya. "I know. Back then the chances of finding your mate was near to impossible. However that doesn't mean you can just hop off the singles' train and head straight into 'Happily Wedded' town. That's not fair, to you and to Katya and Kathleen. What would've happened if you met Katya back then and she found out that you already started a life without her?"

"She understands-"

"No." Lorena sliced in. "Just because Katya says' she does, doesn't mean she accepts what you did. You lied to her."

"What was I supposed to do?" I muttered. "Tell her everything in one go? I wasn't prepared for that. She's lucky I didn't go into the gory details of what he did to my child otherwise she would be having nightmares for months- I would be having nightmares for months. I see that you're looking out for her, Lorena, but to be frank- stay out of it. This is between me and her. I'll work up to her forgiveness sooner or later. So now let's just make sure that Katya will stay alive for me to ask for her forgiveness in the first place."



"When was the last time you went to a zoo?" Alric asked numbly.

"Three months ago." I replied, fixing up his bandages on his fingers. 

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