
20 0 1

Smiles: King of Diamant kingdom.

Gas: Queen of Diamant kingdom.

Hunter: Prince of Diamant kingdom.

Freya: Princess of Diamant kingdom.

Black: (Half) Queen of Føniks kingdom.

White: (Half): Queen of Føniks kingdom.

Amy: Knight leader of the Føniks kingdom.

Bm: Spy of the Føniks kingdom.

Aiden: Prince of Føniks kingdom.

Opel: Playmate of the prince

Dustin: Playmate of the prince

Cc: Queen of the Vodopad empire.

Cry: ????

Yarrow: Princess of the Vodopad empire.

Ace: Princess of the Vodopad empire.

Arya,Kylo,and Asher live(?) with Cotton and the others.

Yarrow belongs to torrentsnowx

Asher belongs to just_that_one_nobody

Kylo belongs to just_that_one_nobody

Arya belongs to just_that_one_nobody

Royalty Au! ナイトキラーΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα