The Demon King and His Sorrowful Queen

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~+Studio 7 set+~

A couple weeks have passed since Tom last saw Tord. He had been doing rather well as his past heartbreak feelings quieted down in the depths of his heart.

However, this situation at the moment was not helping.

He and the kids had been talking about their education before the director showed up to introduce them to the person playing the Demon King.

The fitting title would go to the Commie bastard himself when George Darmello stepped aside to let him walk into their view.

"Starting today, Tord Lawson will be working with us as the Demon King in our show. I hope all of you will get along and share some advice with another." The unknowing director states with a happy smile.

Tom, not wanting to ruin the man's good mood, showed a smile under strain. "Of course, sir. We'll get to it."

Mr. Darmello leaves them alone to get to know each other more while he checks on today's needed supplies before filming this week's episode.

"Well, surprise," Tord says with a cover show of jazz hands and a smile.

Torm, as his younger brother suspected, gave him a rather cold gaze that could rival against his father's own when he's in a bad mood or upset with someone. He didn't even want to speak with him.

Tomi at least tries to be polite to the man by showing him a small smile. A little awkward but normal for his reaction knowing the situation between Tord and his Papa.

Tika, on the other hand, walks up to her dad and give him a hug. She had gotten used to trying affectionate actions with him, always being received welcomingly.

"Is this why you've been acting weird lately?" Tika questions. Her dad had been pacing in the living room at home most days mumbling to himself while holding a small pile of papers stapled together. She never looked too into it since she thought they were for his work at the red company.

"Maybe?" Tord says jokingly with a shrug.

"I thought your company is fighting against the Blue Company. You do remember that they're sponsoring this show, right?" Torm addresses one problem he's come to realize about this situation.

Tord looks to his son with a raised brow. "Into the Underworld is a show that accepts any participate no matter the company they work for since the director is picky about the people who play certain roles in the show," He explains. "Even if my rival company is supporting this show, I can still do whatever I want."

"Well I'm going to get some makeup on," Tom said turning to get out of the conversation.

"I'll come with, I think mine's rubbing off." Torm just wanted an excuse to not be near the man who created him. He ran up to his Dad's side and continued walking along side him to where Matt's makeup station is.

Tomi awkwardly stands in place where his brother had left him with Tord and Tika. "Um, I think I need to get some water. My scene might be up next..." He slips away to the refreshment area while rubbing at his arm uncomfortably.

Tika watches as her friends go with either uncomfortable looks or awkward actions on their part. She looks back to her dad confused when he sees his expression. Somewhat longing with an certain understanding underneath it.

"Mr. Tord?"

Tord realizing his daughter is still here shakes his head slightly before putting his focus on her. "Sorry, Princess. Did you say something?" He tried very hard to not show any other emotion besides calm for the sake of his daughter.

Way Back to You [TomTord]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora