Chapter 2/Oh no

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POV: Pennywise

It's funny how easy it is to scare humans. They scare so easy I almost feel bad for them. Almost.

Today I killed two people, but then realized how boring it was to immediately eat them. It's more fun when they're scared, when just the thought of me makes them pee their pants. So I took a girl, who's already terrified of me, to my house. The wellhouse. She's floating right now, but I'm bored so I think I'm gonna wake her up soon.

Pov: Anne

The night is over and Zeren is still not back. Did we really make her that mad? We just wanted to have a little laugh, and I personally don't think we took it too far. But I might be wrong, since she didn't come back like she always does. I feel extremely guilty since I introduced the idea to them.

"Hey guys, has Zeren texted any of you? It's so not her to leave and not send a text telling us to fuck ourselves." Mayssa said, sounding kind of concerned.

"Do you think we might've took it too far? I mean, we knew how scared she was." I said, blaming myself.

"No, we didn't. She's just being overdramatic as always. Don't you guys know her?" Lori said.

"But what if she's really mad at us? What if she doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if she drops us? What if she's sad? I'm hungry let's eat!" Mayssa said, giving off chaotic energy as always.

"Then we'll just move on, it's not like no one's better than her" Lori said, with a bitchy undertone.

"Dude what is up your ass?" I said, confused as to why she was acting this way.

"Nothing? What did I do?" Lori innocently asked.

"Nevermind. Let's get something to eat and I'll just text Zeren about last night."

"Yes! And let's get coffee, I need coffee. Oh and something with sugar!" Mayssa said/yelled, excited about breakfast.


"Did she respond?" Mayssa asked

I checked my phone. "No, it didn't even deliver. I think her phone's still off, she always sleeps in." I said, hiding how worried I am.

"Oh, yeah that must be it. I hope she wakes up soon. I feel really guilty." Mayssa said.

Lori was awfully silent, but I decided not to question it. For all I know she could be blaming herself for all of this since she was the one who imitated Pennywise.

POV: pennywise

"Ruhiiiise and shine!" I sang to my victim, Zeren. I woke her up from her trans and she immediately started shaking. (AN: I had to. I just had to.)

"P- p- please d- don't hurt m- me." she stuttered with tears in her eyes.

I chuckled, did she really think that I gave a fuck?

"You do realize that by begging me not to do something, it just makes me want to do it more, don't you?" I laughed. She didn't.

"P- P- please, I'll d- do an- anyth- thing."

"P- p- please" I mocked her. I chuckled at myself. But then I stopped. Oh boy am I hungry and ready to eat her. I could taste the fear and it was delicious.

"Tasty tasy beautiful fear" I murmured, almost giving in. But no, I wasn't going to kill her yet, that's no fun. I loved the hunt more than the kill.

She started crying. Oh god what is it with humans and crying, I feel no sympathy at all when they do that. I think it's pathetic.

"Stop crying or I'll kill you right now." I said, really annoyed.

"I- I'm sorry" she choked, and immediately stopped crying. It made me feel powerful, I could make her do anything I wanted right now. So I tried it out.

"You said you would do anything for me not to hurt you, right?" I asked her, already knowing her answer.

"Yes! Anything!" She answered, with hope in her eyes. Oh boy is that going to be gone real soon.

"Okay, if you listen to me and do everything I ask you to, I'll let you leave," I lied, "but if you don't, I'll kill you and your friends." which I was going to do either way, but that's something she doesn't has to know.

"I'll do anything you ask me to do I swear!" she exclaimed, like a little child. Oh how I hate kids.

"Don't ever talk like that again, it makes you childlike and I hate kids." I growled. I'm not sure how long I can keep up with her ass.

"I won't, sorry." she apologized.

"Good, now the first thing I want you to do is sit on there," I pointed to a pile of toys, "with your knees and stay untill I tell you you can get off of it" I said, knowing that at some point it was going to hurt, a lot. And I love it when my victims are in pain. (AN: Don't even ask me how I came up with this, idk either)

"Okay sir." she said, and I swear I saw some regret in her eyes for her choice of words. Sir, I don't think I've ever been called that in the millions of years I've lived. I quite like it.

She sat down on the pile of toys and winced, oh am I going to enjoy this very much.

POV: Zeren

I'm dying? How did he even come up with this shit? It feels like the toys are one with my knees, and let me tell you, that's not a nice feeling. I can't do this anymore, I have to get up.

"uhm..P- Pennywise?" I called.

"Stay." he snarled.

"Please, it hurts so much." I cried out.

"Stop complaining, I could have killed you but chose to be nice and keep you alive. Be grateful." He said.

Seriously? Nice my ass, nice would be if he had never even took me in the first place.

He walked over to me. Uh oh, he looks mad.

"What did you just say?" He snapped. Oh my fucking god did I just say that out loud?

"Your life is on MY hands," he chuckled, "so unless you want me to eat your soul I'd shut up if I were you." He then furiously said, spitting in my face in the progress. He then proceeded to laugh his crazy laugh.

I was about to reply, but got cut off by him pushing me down on the toys, putting more pressure on my knees, making me cry out of pain. And the bastard was laughing.

"Fucking SHIT" I cried out.

"You may get up." he said, in a suddenly calm tone. After that he just disappeared.

I don't think I've ever stood up this fast, nor have I ever been this confused.

AN: This chapter is a mess. But you still have to vote or you'll fLoAt.

Word count: 1158

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