19 : thunderstorm

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from tumblr, i wanted to post a Halloween imagine today but I didn't get time to post it sorry, if u want me to post it tmrw :) :(

y o u r p o i n t o f v i e w

The tv lit your room to a brighter dim as you read the news on the screen. The words, thunderstorm warning flashed across the ten inch screen right into your wide eyes. In the middle of summer, the last thing you expected was a thunderstorm. You stood up quickly, rushing to the closet to find your storm survival kit. Well, it wasn't per say for survival, more like things to help you get through these horrid nights. You opened the box and checked for your usual needs. Lighter, candle, snacks, batteries, stuffed animal, portable charger, and of course movies for when the power is still in tact.

You closed the kit back up and set it on your bed for instant reach. Your small apartment flickered every once and a while causing your nerves to increase. Thunder clapped again so you covered your ears and shut your eyes tight to hide from the sound. You saw your phone light up in the dark room and read the text as if it was sent from God itself.

c/n texted you the simple words, I'm on my way. You sighed in relief and held yourself together until he got here.

You laid under your blanket in bed with the music blasting in your ears. It's wasn't until you felt a hand on your shoulder when you screamed at the top of your lungs. The blanket was ripped off the bed and (c/n) stood there with eyes wide and hair patted down with water droplets still in tact. You held your hand to your chest and took the earbuds out of your ears, with the music now pouring out the small buds.

"How-how did you get in my apartment?" You ask with a fast beating heart. His frame was so large from where you sat on the bed compared to how high he was above you. He flicked on the lamp but no luck with power and just sighed, pulling out the battery run candles in his bag. He pulled something out of his pocket and you looked at he shiny key glisten then return back to his back pocket.

You remembered the day when you gave him the key as a sign that if you ever needed him you could send a text and he would be right over. He gave you a copy of his own key a week later. That's how you knew he was your best friend. He placed the bag down beside the bed and took off his shoes and sweatshirt. He stood there in a t-shirt and grey sweats that hung low enough to see his boxers. His shirt was lifted a little to see his stomach that looked so warm.

"Are you going to scoot over or just day dream?" You snapped back and scoot over. He climbed in beside you with his warm chest scraping along your back. You awkwardly scoot over more to give him more room. He scoot closer the more you moved away from him. You were scared he could feel your heart beating out of your chest if he got any closer. When it came down to you beside the wall and him being in the middle he finally threw the blankets back over you guys and he grabbed your waist pulling you closer. "Why are you so far? You didn't text me over here to just take up all the room".

The thunder rumbled again and your heart beat fast and faster as you could feel it against the walls that the storm moved over your neighborhood. Another strike burst in the sky and this time the rain poured rapidly as you glanced out your window with fear.

"Hey look at me," (c/n) said. You sniffled and looked into the dark orbs with the candles illuminating his features. "Just distract yourself from what's out there. Something that makes you happy (y/n)".

 Something that makes you happy (y/n)"

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You snuggled deep into his body. Showing him you were okay again as you exhaled into his chest. He pat your hair down and tried running his hands through the tangled mess. You felt his calloused fingers attempting to escape the long hair but failing miserably. You giggled and grabbed his hand, slowly pulling it out, where he places it on your waste. You switched places, running your hands through the damp hair and tugging on it barely. The rain patted on your window, causing a drum like beat to surround you. All was good and then your TV turned back on. You sat up in amazement. A cooking show played and (c/n) sat up looking for the remote.

It was finally found and you got up, rummaging through the drawer of movies until you came across a happy movie to brighten your mood. You quickly put in the disc and climbed back into bed to escape the cold frisk air. Laying back into (c/n)'s arms once again you sighed in some relief that the storm was easing.

You sat quietly embracing the warmth until you felt (c/n)'a arms graze your side in a playful way. You looked at him with a stern look, only causing him to smirk. He danced his fingers up and down your waist, causing your stomach to churn. Suddenly he applied some pressure to your hip, releasing a sqeal.

"(c/n). You don't want a black eye tonight". He laughed at your statement, "that is so adorable". You rolled your eyes. "Tickling me will seriously hurt this friendship". He this time grabbed both sides of your waist and pulled you on top of him so your chests touched. His fingers wrapped around and grasped your waist lightly. Your legs lay to the side of his you didn't lay exactly on top of him. He held you a little closer whispering close to your lips, "I can think of better ways to ruin the friendship". You looked at him with eyebrows raised. He smirked and put some hair behind your ear, keeping his hand on the back of your neck and slowly leading you closer to him.

Everything happened so fast you didn't know what to think of it. He looked at you with a small smile and a little bit of cockiness. His eyes suddenly closed and lifted his head from the pillow. Your eyes widened wondering if this was really going to happen. You closed your eyes and waited for what was to happen. So many thoughts crossed your mind while your stomach twisted in knots. You felt his breath sweep your skin and suddenly your lips. Except they weren't on yours. They grazed your cheek lightly. Your eyes widened and you took a step back from his dreamy eyes. "I thought you were going to kiss me!" You say loudly. Taking your face farther than his to avoid the evident blush.

"Well maybe I was getting to that". You looked at him with confusion. You now sat up with your legs straddling his. His hair all messy from the pillow. "That's not how you kiss someone (c/n). You don't lead with a kiss on the cheek." You crossed your arms with defense. With hands on your legs, he said, "show me". Your eyes widened. His head turned to the side a little. Giving you the "well what are you waiting for" kind of look. You didn't want to show lack of confidence to such a cocky guy like him so you shrugged and leaned down to kiss him. You knew it sent shock through his mind when those lips planted on yours. He kissed back and melted into it, pulling you closer to him. Now you both were positioned very intertwined with your leg in between his and arms wrapped around each other. You pulled away when you needed a breath and blushed immensely, resulting in you hiding in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you pulling the blankets over your back so it ended on your neck. The heat surrounded your bodies in a warm sleepy state of mind. You peeked back up at his face and saw him look down at you as soon as you moved. He smiled softly and kissed your forehead. "I really like this" he said graspy "what, us? You like us together?" He nodded and smiled. "I've wanted to kiss you a while, I just needed a reason." You felt the same way but couldn't put into words how much you wanted to ruin the friendship. You buried your head back into his chest, squishing your cheek on his flat chest. He squeezed you tighter and kissed the top of your head. The rain hit your window hard but the lightning was swept away. The peaceful silence brought you two to sleep in happiness and to hopefully kiss again in the morning.

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